

Ch 2- Oddity
Chris: Jane?! Is that really you?

Jane: Yup!

Chris: You look…different.

Jane: Is that a compliment or an insult?

Chris: Maybe a compliment. The Jane I remember was a blondie, had a weird fashion sense and huge glasses. But now…you look like a human being.

She chuckled and blushed a little.

Jane: Very well described.

I rolled my eyes and asked her to come in.

She did look and seem different. A black hat with a macaw feather, neatly brushed hair reaching her shoulders which appeared like a small cascade of golden waters, blue lenses, a symmetrical designed dress and red heels which completed her look.

Chris: So, why are you here so early in the morning? And where is Sam?

Jane: Sam had to go last night to foreign business trip urgently so he gave me your address and left. And I too have somewhere to go soon today so I thought I could spend a few hours with you.

Chris: Sure. Just wait for a couple of minutes and I’ll make myself more presentable.

Jane: Fine.

When I came back, I saw her sitting on the couch fidgeting with her dress.

Chris: Would you care for some coffee?

Jane: Yeah, sure.

Then, I stood in the kitchen making coffee for both of us and she was just watching me with her back resting on the wall.

Jane: Are your hands okay?

Chris: What?

I turned towards her with a puzzled look.

Jane: Your hands….they were bleeding last night, right?

Chris: How…do you know?

Jane: What do you mean ‘how’? Obviously by seeing the wrappings on your hands.

Chris: What….?

When I look at my hands I noticed white clothing on them done neatly.

“But how…? I didn’t do anything. I just woke up.” These thoughts pondered in my mind.

Chris: Oh…yeah…

Jane: Are you…fine, Chris?

Chris: O-of course! I’m fine.

I said, stammering.

I then served her coffee and led her to the couch.

Chris: So, how are you doing?

Jane: Well, I became a fashion designer. My studio is just two blocks from here.

Chris: Great!

Jane: And Chris, I hope you forgot whatever I did to you earlier.

I gave her a mocking smile and said-

Chris: Well, no, I hadn’t but since you’re so nice now…..so fine. I forgive you.

Jane: Thanks. And what do you do?

Chris: I’m an employee in a gaming company.

Jane: Ah, that’s why Sam kept saying you never leave your phone alone!

I chuckled.

Jane: Do you know why I stabbed you that day?

I flinched a little at her sudden change of topic.

Chris: Oh! I thought that was an accident!

I said in a sarcastic tone.

Jane: I’m serious, Chris. I don’t hate you and I didn’t mean to do what I did. It’s just that….I used to have bipolar disorder.

Though, it seemed kind of strange that how severe could her ‘bipolar disorder’ be to make her stab someone; but I accepted her reason.

Chris: I’m sorry. I didn’t know. But what could be the reason of such a disease?

Jane: Nothing much…..just problems with my aunt and her family. I…was an orphan since birth.

I saw her eyes getting teary.

Chris: Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you can’t. I understand, really.

She slightly smiled.

Jane: I didn’t know you were so good at comforting, jerk.

Chris: Me too.

She let out a little laugh. It sure felt good to see that she is doing well now and on her own.

After talking for about two hours, she bid me goodbye and went. We also exchanged our contacts to keep in touch from now on.

Chris: Who knew she could have such a sad story?

Then, my attention went to the bandages tied on my palms. I slowly undid it.

Chris: There’s….nothing?

There was no blood on the bandage and my palms. There wasn’t even a single scratch.

Chris: What is going on?!


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