

All she could hear is the thumping of her heart terribly increasing for every second.Even it scared every cell in her, the fact that it would stop at some point makes her desperate to cling to her beat, to her life more. The wind in the woods is much colder than she anticipated. Her trembling lips could no more produce any sound. Her glossy eyes could no more look for any help. She wants to give up. Yet the stupid hope these humans possess made her do nothing but stay hanging to the cliff. She tried again to climb off the rock that her strained hands are clutching. When she thought that she is finally making it alive, her ears sensed the sound of her lub-dub are now unified with a rumbling of thunder which is loud enough to make her heart jump.So does she.Her hands no more held anything hard.They are in air along with her.Her sweat is now washed by the shower.It was like the heaven sent the rain to push her into the hell.She fell for more than ten seconds.Though her vision has blurred while falling,she could see her parents giving her a bear hug,her brother laughing at her,her camera stood elegantly on her work table and him.Her twenty five years of life appeared at a glimpse in twenty five seconds followed by a scream of death.
It is the chirping sound of some random birds whom she tried to capture interrupted her very long sleep.All that her exhausted eyes could stare at is green and grey.The trees stood more taller around her.She could feel the wetness of the moistured soil beneath her.When she tilted her head lightly, another scream escaped from her throat at the sight of an ugly worm crawling beside her.The rush of adrenaline jerked her numb body as far as possible.
"If you would've scremed this loudly when you were hanging to that cliff,even the men outside the forest would've came to rescue you."She heard a masculine voice with sarcasm spitting out of him.The voice is strong,sharp and much familiar that she thought her ears are deceiving her.She could feel him moving around her doing something she doesn't know.
"It's a dream."She whispered.
" Not really."He spoke handing her a bottle.She wasted no second in grabbing it from him and emptying it.Silence overwhelmed them untill he said."You are welcome."
"Um...Sorry...Thank you." She stuttered while her eyes moved from his torn jeans to his black shirt that revealed a little of his hard chest and to his cerulean eyes. She could hardly believe her eyes. Her gaze penetrates his cerulean eyes, the eyes she once used to admire. Once again she thought she is dead.
"Are you gonna drool over me for the rest of the day like that?We have a very long journey ahead."He interrupted her thoughts.She came back to reality with his words.
Keeping her anguish aside,she replied angrily," I am not drooling over you.And I am not coming with you."
"I saved your life.I don't think you have another option other than relying on me."
That's a harsh truth she can't accept.He saved her.She couldn't make it out of the woods without anyone's help.She can't meet his eyes with him anymore.It really surprised her that after all these years,he still had the same effect on her.His presence relaxed her,his eyes soothed her.His smile just like always fascinated her.He doesn't changed a bit.But her anger made her dumb.Even though she is curious about his presence there,she chose to remain silent.
"It's been many years.You are still angry with me?" He asked moving towards the only path they could see.It's been many years.She didn't forget anything. He was her high school crush. Back then,she was a naive girl who couldn't even hide a single emotion. She couldn't help herself in making her feelings for him too obvious. The whole school new her,her feelings for him.And that became his weapon.He used to piss her off,make fun of her by calling her with different names and bully her.He made her feel weak, useless, incapable. But when the whole school started making fun of her,he was there for her surprising everyone.She forget everything he did and fell for him so deeply that she didn't even gave a second thought,when he asked her out.She stil remembered that day. She waited for almost five hours at the restaurant.He never showed up.The very next second, she left her school,her worst schoolmates, her bully and herself there.She moved out of the country and never looked back.She never thought of meeting him again.But the fate decides otherwise.
The drizzle mixed with her tears she haven't realised falling off her cheeks.He sighed at her.Guilt and pain are visible in his eyes."I didn't mean to do any of those things.I..."
She lift her hand asking him to stop."I don't have any idea what are you doing here.All I remembered is falling."She spoke silently changing the subject.
"You didn't fall.I saved you.You passed out." He replied. She nodded and their journey in a cold night combined with her silence and his non stop blabbering continued. She is really thankful for him.Imagining herself without him in this forest took her breath away.After a long walk and a little rest,they finally found her crew.
"Thank God." She sighed.
"You are welcome again." He replied with a smirk.
"Thank you.I really don't know what would've happened to me if you were not there.In fact it feels so good to see you again." She finally let the words she hid the whole night came out of her.
"Why are you so dumb?All I did was nothing but hurt you,left you." He whispered.
But she can't help that. He would drive her crazy.She can't control herself before him no matter how much she tried.If she get another chance,she would trust him with her heart again.Before she answered him,her crew cried her name.She ran towards them.They are all very much relaxed to find her again.She turned around to find him,but he is nowhere to see.She ran back and searched for him.He isn't there.No one really saw him coming.He left again. She found a paper when she shoved her hands into his jacket he gave her last night.
"Dear dumb head,
Pissing you off was fun.So I did it.But I can't stand someone making fun of you.You did something to me that I found myself falling for you.When I did friendship with you,I mean it.All I want was to gain your trust.So I'd waited.When I asked you out,I wanted to show the world how much I loved you.But you know I couldn't make it.You left and I thought you would be better without me.So I didn't bothered your life.But I can't really watch you dying. So I don't have much of a choice other than showing up.You will never see me again. I am really glad that I was able to save you.There's one thing I always wanted to tell you.I really love you and I will always do.I wish you all happiness."
Your Satan.
She couldn't understand how to take his confession. She was so confused.One thing's so sure.They loved each other.But they are apart from each other.She doesn't know why he had came into her life from no where and left her in the middle of no where.She started searching for him again.It took a month to find his address.When she reached his home,she found an old man who almost looked like him.May be he is his father.She introduced herself as his son's high school friend.
"You don't know about him?" The old man asked her in a shocking tone.She shook her head.He looked gloomy when he took her to a room.His son's photo hanging to the wall. Just like always he stayed on the wall elegantly and insanely beautiful.
"It happened in his high school." The old man whispered silently as tears welled up in his eyes. "He was so happy.He made himself look dapper.It was supposed to be a date.He never really went out with any one till then.But he couldn't make it." His voice became hoarse."He couldn't even make it alive."He sobbed."The truck....."
His words no more reached her ears. The world ceased to exist for her. She starred at the photo on the wall blankly. This time "heart break" feels so low to describe what she is feeling. But she could survive this, because he wants her to live.