

Short Gun Marriage Part 2.
A typical Moroccan marriage begins with the bride and groom signing the marriage contract. Unlike in the west the actual wedding ceremony is not attended by many people. It is usually just the couple and the guardian (wali) of the bride. Days before the wedding occurs the process of obtaining the paperwork and marriage certificates begins. This was not different from Ahlam's and Feroz's marriage. After getting the concent of Ahlam, Feroz asked her what she wanted as her mahr, at first she hesitated but upon encouragement from him she told him she would like to finish her higher education in interior designs as it was her parents dreams for her to to complete her higher education before they died. She remembered how they always praised her for being bright and that she will be the first in her family to graduate from University. Feroz smiled and accepted her request promising her that he will support her in all through. They had then signed the marriage certificate and Feroz suprised Ahlam by booking her into the presidential suite at the most luxurious hotel in Rabat - Hôtel la Tour Hassan Palace. Feroz didn't want his bride to suffer anymore from the mean rumor mongers, he wanted her to feel at peace. As for her grandfather he pleaded with him until he accepted to come stay at their villa till the wedding festivities which he promised to take care of full had taken place. He'd already made up his mind to settle him into the luxurious elderly persons retreat home where he was sure he will be well taken care of as he was one of the founding members and benefactors. He had also arranged with his mother who was very surprised to hear about his shortgun marriage and arranged for the kindest young ladies from his mother's family to go be with Ahlam so that she wouldn't feel alone. He gave strict instructions that the ladies should be friendly and respectful at all times.
He had just arrived home and found his aunt crying lamenting that he had wasted his life by marrying a nobody. This made him so angry! how dare she interfere in his private matters. He was about to bust in and give her a piece of his mind but before he did he had his mothey voice. "Enough! I've had it with your blasphemy! don't you know that marriages are made in heaven? this marriage has already been written for my son and I accept it! so please do not lament on this auspicious occasion. I trust my son and am sure he's decision was not made hastily. so please if you cannot share in his joy kindly go back to your home with all due respect.!" So proud of his mother he smiled, changed direction and went to his room to rest a bit before the questioning he was sure will follow comes. He took a long shower dried himself, wore his linen shirt and pants and jumped on his bed. He was woken up by Maghreb adhan. He dragged himself went to the bathroom took wudhu and joined his family at their prayer rooms for Maghreb and Isha prayers. He was about to sneak away after prayers when his father's sternly stopped him "Not so fast son, you can't ran away from our inquiries. Please join us in the living room before we proceed to have dinner."
Once in the living room, everyone was watching him, his mother broke the silence and asked him why he decided to marry Ahlam, was it only out of responsibility because if so the marriage would be difficult. Feroz smiled and told her that he wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel responsible as he was the main reason Ahlam's reputation got damaged even though he assured them that nothing happened between them. But that aside he went ahead and confessed that he really liked Ahlam, she was beautiful, innocent, polite, soft spoken well behaved and all those aside the time he spend in her company he was very happy and felt unexplainable affection whenever she was around and that is why he was marrying her. He told them that he had planned to send investigators to find out who she was and that ultimately he would have married her but he guardian just made things easier for him.
He then turned to his mother kneeled infront of her and laid his head on her lap, then said "Mum Ahlam is an orphan I have promised her grandfather that she will not lack anything while with us. I humbly request you to give her your motherly love and understanding. She's been through a lot I can tell this will not be easy transition for her. Please everyone lets accept her into our family and love her abundantly. Unknown to him the grandfather was coming down for dinner as requested by the burtler and heard it All. He was so touched he made dua for this wonderful family that clearly had the true values of Islam.

Back at the palace hotel Ahlam couldn't tell if she was dreaming or reality. The Imam said that after signing the marriage certificate the marriage had already been officiated thus she had to listen to her husband henceforth. It was the only reason she accepted to stay in this luxurious hotel and accept the gorgeous dresses gowns and other garments that were brought to her. She appreciated that they had brought her company as the place would be too intimidating for her. The girls giving her company were so friendlt and kind she had never experienced such care in her life. The food and soft drinks kept on coming and the young ladies were really enjoying themselves too. They included her in their conversation and told her how lucky she was to be married to such a wonderful man as Feroz who was wealthy at heart and wealth.
The girls told her to try and sleep as the next day was her Hammam party.
Traditional Moroccan weddings used to last seven days. The bride and groom families used to have parties in their own homes before the day where the bride actually meets the groom. Of course, everyone of the two families were invited so that led to lots of days of partying. However today this really isn’t practical and rarely done. There are only one or two big parties (one at the brides’, one at the grooms’) or just one big party for both. There are also other nights to the celebration.
The wedding celebrations start with the hammam day for women. The bride gathers all the female family, friends, neighbors and goes with them to the hammam (public bath). Sometimes the hammam is rented to keep it for the wedding party celebrate. The bride gets her hair washed with ghassoul (a type of clay), her body scrubbed, massaged, perfumed, waxed and all prepped for the wedding night. Feroz's mother decided that she will see to all the required customs her own and ensure that her daughter in law lacks nothing just as her son had promised. Since Ahlam was an orphan Feroz's mother decided the women from her family including her daughter, Feroz's close cousins and aunts will attend instead. She made it clear that Ahlam was to be treated with atmost respect by all attending.
The Hammam day finally arrived and after performing fajr prayers the girls had all sat with Ahlam on her large queen sized bed and were sharing stories and telling jokes, since the had spent the better part of the night binge watching their favorite tv shows the got drowsy and fell asleep all together. They were woken up by a loud banging on their door and once awaked they were shocked to find out if was almost mid day. The hotel patrons who had knocked on their door informed them that they were being waited for at the Hammam venue which was arranged at the palace hotel and all privacy ensured. The girls hurredly cleaned up, dressed their bride in a beautiful exotic farasha then covered her with an oversized abaya as they didn't want their jewel to be seen by curious eyes. The charm of staying in a palace hotel enabled them to get transportation from their door to the venue in the hotel automatic carriages. When the entered the Hammam venue they all gasped at the beauty of the place it consisted of a three-room structure. A hot room where bathers start by stimulating blood flow and opening up their pores; a warm room for scrubbing and masque treatments; and a cold room for relaxation and rehydration at the end. They place was bathed in a soft half-light that filters through small, glass windows in the domed roof designed to induce the feeling of calmness. One of the ladies in her company introduced her to her mother in law who was very happy to finally meet her daughter in law. She finally understood why her son didn't hesitate to marry her, the young lady in front of her was a jewel an like her son she immediately fell in love with her. She hugged Ahlam and kissed her cheeks, told her to consider her as her mother and that she was extremely happy with her as her daughter in law and will always treasure her. Something in her mother in law's eyes showed what she said was true so she said a short supplication to thank Allah swt for such a wonderful blessing.
After being slathered in slippery savon noir (also called savon beldi), a black soap made with the oil and macerated pulp of black olives. This paste softens the skin and prepares it for exfoliation, she was sent with her new friends to the hot room to relax for a while before being moved to the warm room to rinse off the black soap and perform the exfoliating scrub. The girls scrubbed each other and paid extra attention to the shy Ahlam who had never been to a hammam before. dressed only in her underwear they scrubbed every inch of her body with a kess (rough-textured glove) that removed all the dead skin from her body.
Many layers of dead skin later, she was finally ready for a hydrating rhassoul masque. Rhassoul is a saponiferous clay found in the Middle Atlas, which is usually mixed with a range of aromatic plants (rose petals, cloves, eucalyptus, lichens and chamomile, for example). It is made into a liquid paste with water and applied to the body and hair. Rhassoul is rich in mineral salts and draws toxins to the surface of the skin, tightening pores and regulating the secretion of sebum. Once it is rinsed off, it is followed by an orange-flower water or lemon juice skin tonic.

It’s was time to take her new baby-soft skin to the cold room, where she relaxed and rehydrated with some herbed tea. Judging from her looks her mother in law realised it had been too much for the poor girl thus asked her new friends to take her back to her room where she could pray, rest and be ready for the next days Heena ceremony. After praying noth Dhuhr and Asr, Ahlam went to rest on her bed, still not accustumed to such comforts but after the overwhelming day she has had she was grateful for it and immediately fell asleep. She was woken up at Maghreb with her companions, she noticed they were all smiling goofily at her so she turned to Amina who she felt closer to and nodded at her inquiring what was going on. With a huge smile on her face Amina brought forward a huge gift and handed it to her. Shocked she looked at it without picking it were they pranking her? who would gift her such a huge gift? Ever since her parents died no one had ever gifted her anything wrapped and parcelled as this was so she feared it was a prank. Sensing her anxiety Amina smiled at her and sat beside her placed the gift on her lap. "Relax habibty this is from your husband. It was delivered while you were resting thus our excitement when you woke up. Maa-sha-Allah your husband is very romantic. Anyway we will leave you now please perform your prayers then open your gift, well wait to have dinner with you later when you're ready." They then left her she placed the parcel on her bed and went ahead to perform her prayers. Much later she sat back in bed looking at the parcel still afraid to open it least it was a prank. All of a sudded she was startled by a sound coming from inside the parcel. It sounded like a phonecall which buffled her more. after ringing three rounds she decided to open the parcel. The box itself was beautiful. Inside it was layers of boxed chocolates she had never seen. on top of the chocolates was a small card saying that these were to placate her for the experience she went through today to soothe her overwhelmed heart. After the chocolates box there were other boxes of both Indian and Arabian sweets on top was another note saying these were for her to give her strength to endure the heena party tomorrow. Under that was the final gift a smartphone she could tell it was expensive thus she hesitated to pick its box but then it rang again so she had to pick it open the box and saw the most incredible phone she had ever seen. On the calling screen was Feroz face and the words Hubby calling, her heart beat fast and she just looked until it hanged she was about to put it back but it rang again. She saw the green button and dragged it accepting the video call. Feroz came on the screen and he seemed a bit troubled but smiled as soon as he saw his brides face on the screen. "Assalam aleiykum habibty, I was almost getting worried that my gift didn't reach you," he said gently "Do you like my gifts? and your new phone? am sorry I had to chose for you because there was no time I had to get you one do that we can communicate. I know all this is overwhelming to you so please if you feel you can't handle it just text SOS to me and I will come to your rescue." He continued. "Ahlam too shy to speak and still affected by the suprise could only manage a smile a nod and a thank you. But somehow that was enough for him. He continued chatting with her about his day and other funny stories until there was a knock on her door and Amina popped her head inside telling her it was getting late and she needed to eat and sleep so that she would be ready for the Heena party the next day. Hearing this Feroz asked her to go eat as he had already eaten, he informed her he picked her meals personally so that he could ensure she enjoyed her self. After wishing her good night he disconnected and left her feeling a bit sad, even though she mostly listened but his gentleness gave her comfort. She endured the friendly teasing as she ate then Amina showed her how to use her smartphone, she was really happy with it and couldn't imagine believe it was actually hers. As she went to bed to rest for the night a what's app message entered and she opened to see a goodnight message from her husband. She said her night supplications and slept blissfully.

The next day the henna ceremony went successfully. This was a female gathering around the bride who will have henna tattoos done on her hands and feet. The henna is not permanent and it fades with time but it gives a very beautiful traditional style to the bride. Henna is considered a sign of fertility, beauty and optimism for Moroccans. Henna is done for the bride for “fal” or to wish her lots of luck in her married life. All the female friends and relatives gets tattooed too when the bride is done, and there is a nice party where everyone dances and chants for the bride.

Sometimes during the time of the henna party the men gathered at the villa for their own party. It was much more demur. Typically they gathered together to share a meal, recite Quran and celebrate Feroz's upcoming nuptials. Later that night they spoke again and this time Ahlam was less shy and she even loughed to some of his jokes enchanting him with her beautiful laughter.

Finally the actual wedding day arrived and Ahlam was a nervous wreak she was so scared she was afraid she'd fall sick. Luckily the wedding functions would begin later in the afternoon so she was asked to rest during the day and in the afternoon she would begin getting ready with makeup and the hairdresser. But instead of resting she felt so afraid that she found herself writing the SOS text as Feroz had told her to do if she felt it was too much for her. Feroz was with his father in the study room when he received the text. Immediately he excused himself got in his car and rushed to the palace hotel. Lucky for him he had booked the entire VIP floor and the room where Ahlam was sleeping had a secret room that one could access from the next suite as it was a family suite. The room was intended to give privacy to a couple when needed and right now that's exactly what he needed. Ahlam was seated on her bed breathing in and our trying to calm down. A text came through asking her to lock her door from inside then wear her full abaya with Niqaab as Feroz was coming for her. The excitement that he actually responded gave her the adrenaline to do as told just when she finished covering her Niqaab she heard a gentle knock on the wall that shocked her silly. Looking carefully she realized it was a door! She went to it and stood there, Feroz had heard her footsteps so he knew she was close he gently asked "You texted SOS thus am here for you." with this he opened the door and left it open for her to enter on ther own accord. When she did he felt a sudden urge to embrace her but controlled himself. Instead he told her to follow him and went out of the room at a steady pace enabling her to follow. The took a secret passage to the private beach with a lush garden closing the area from the view, as requested there were 3 waitresses waiting for them at her request as he did not want them to be alone before their final wedding functions tonight. But he couldn't resist taking her gloved her to his and directing her to the seating area overseeing the sea. Once seated they watched the sea in silence enjoying the breeze. An hour must have passed or almost when he realized she had dozed off. Her Niqaab had slipped to one side up and he could see her beautiful face. He stared at her for afew minutes then gently woke her up once she was awake he offered her a cool drink then asked her how she was feeling and what was troubling her. She hesitated then told him that she felt everything was happening too fast and she didn't know if she was ready to get married and that she was afraid she won't fit into his world and he will get rid of her thus she was thought its best to end it now. Throwing caution to the air after all they were already married just not yet consumated he hugged her, opened he Niqaab to look into her eyes and told her he was scared too, scared that he wouldn't be able to be the husband she deserves but that won't stop him from trying. He told her that he promises he will never leave her unless Allah swt took him from this earth and that he will support her and ensure she will always be taken care of in his presence and without. Then he held her in his arms until he felt she relaxed then asked her what she wanted to do. Thanks to Allah swt Ahlam said she would go back to her room as everyone must be anxious by her locked door. This pleased him, he asked if he would be okay and she assured him she would ad she was feeling better. So he took her back to the secret room kissed her forehead and told her he'd see her during the reception.
Ahlam quickly went inside changed back to her pajamas and just as she was settling there was a loud ponding at her door, she rushed and opened only to see five very worried young ladies. Amina who was close to her was the first to speak asking her if she was alright and why she had locked the door and how worried she made them by doing so. She apologized and gently said she was really scared earlier and anxious about the day's event thus she took a nap and didn't realize how deep asleep she was. luckily they understood and went on to comfort her, then helped her clean up, then joined by the make up and hair stylist who prepared her for what was to come. The wedding guests gathered at the wedding site before the bride made her entrance. The groom cames with his family and everyone waited for the bride to come. The brides’ entrance is very important in the Moroccan ceremony. She is usually placed in an “amaria” an elegant roofed platform that’s carried by 4 or 6 guys. The groom leads the walk with the walk with the Amaria bearers.

To be continued.
© Saadiya Nasser