

Funny Ninjas
Episode 1 (cont)

(few days later, walemond had already capture the three ninjas and their boss)
Walemond: now that I have capture you guys, you are going to entertain me through out today else I will beat the hell out of all of you.
Master: yes sir
Walemond: now you fan me.
Master: are you talking to me?
Walemond: no the guy on your head
Master: do you also see invisible things?
Walemond: (show his fist)
Master: sorry sir (he picked up the fan and start fanning him)
Walemond: you understand my fist more than my words. (talking to the white and red ninja)
Walemond (cont): you two entertain me by sparring with each other.
White and red ninja: yes sir. ( they where about to fight when the blue ninja quickly attack them by making them doze off)
Walemond: what did you do that for?
Blue ninja: I know I will be the next to fight the winner so I use the chance I had.
Walemond: how smart of you, now you are fighting your master.
Blue ninja: shoot his master with a sleeping needle.
Walemond: what?
Blue ninja: I know I cannot defeat him in one on one combat so I use the chance I had.
Walemond: now it's me and you
Blue ninja: (confused and fainted)
To be continue....

© Walemond Notion