

Haunted Hotel Chapter 5
My Parents Came and asked her 'What do you want?'. She replied 'I want John To be Dead'. We called the cops and they told to live in a hotel for few days until we research about her.When we reached our hotel. My Dad asked John and Me to shift in A Country for few days. But we refused because we were scared to live alone without parents. The cops took the lady to the priests and the priests said that she was possessed. We were all shocked. The lady was continuosly saying 'I want to kill the whole family'. But we ignored her went back to hotel. Our Hotel was quite bright with lots of people with us. We were a little happy seeing it. Late at night, Around 3:00am. I could hear sounds from corridor. I opened the door and saw that the lady was walking weirdly with a knife. I screamed and everyone woke up and saw the lady. They were all pushing her outside the hotel and finally she was outside the hotel. The Manager locked the hotel gate so that she could not come inside again. But again we heard sounds from the common washroom area. We went there and saw that the lady was standing and shouting 'John where are you'. John was hidding Behind the me. But unluckily she saw him. She was coming near John and said 'Next is you John'. John ran away in our room and locked the door. The lady went running to our room. She was knocking our door because our door was locked and John was inside the room. While Knocking she was disappeared. We were searching her everywhere. Till the Time John was screaming from the room. We break the door and we saw that John was dead!.