

Frozen Hell | 8.4
I was in Demosa's arms when the blackness faded away. Prometheus was assuring him that he would return, but Demosa had fisted her hands and was almost crying.
When I opened my eyes, everyone was shocked. Of course, except for Prometheus who clapped his hand and said: "Did you see what I said?" and laughed

Demosa hugged me tightly. I blushed a little. Then I saw that he doesn't like tomatoes either. We both laughed.
Fitamwa was kneeling next to me. Timas chewed his lip and Sakuj was too stressed to throw up.

Prometheus said: "It was normal for the first time. But first you have to change your mentality."
I nodded my head in approval.

"Kanomai, do you love Kan?"

I... love Kan...?!!
"It's part of you. You're repeating exactly the same mistake."
I just realized...
I have to forgive him...
But how? How can I?
"Be a yellow-eared tiger...trust...yourself."

I raised my head.
Kahn had hurt me.
My illness was because of him...
And all my wounds... that those stupid brothers gave me...
He hated me!
But... something from the bottom of my heart said that he is just pretending to hate me...
Hate is love that has gone astray.

"OK, I'll try..."
"Good. Now go back to him. Surely you know his weak point, don't you?"

I remembered our holding hands. I came up with a plan.
I got up without a word and ran towards the palace.

I entered through the back door.
I said in a soft voice: "Kan..."
Kan came back in a hurry.
Before he could do anything... I hugged him. Our bodies were colliding.
"Wh-What are you doing?!!"
"I love you. You're not going to be alone. Just love me...please."
Tears rolled down his cheeks. "Me too... I love you... I thought I hated you... but I missed you..."
He put his head on my shoulder. We merged and became one.
we became one
With a whole heart.
Now I felt it. My heart, my life, my friends...
I liked this feeling.
Everything became one. It was no longer a problem.
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