

The miracle stone

It was 11 at night when a girl saw a bright light sparkling again and again. she looked outside the window but she saw nothing. The light came again but she didn't care and she fall asleep.
The next morning, she saw a strange stone outside her window. The stone was shinning bright and it looked so beautiful. Then she went to school. When she reached to school, she saw her friends wishing her happy birthday with gifts.She was amazed because she didn't told them it was her birthday nor even if they know they won't have brought gifts for her. Even though she was happy to see it. For the first time she answered the questions correctly given by teachers.when she reached home she was again surprised because her all the family members were at her home wishing her happy birthday.She got what she really wanted. Her wishes were becoming true she knew. She got a new phone too.So she started making new updates in her new phone.Another day she went to school, she had exam that day. She did her best in the exam.And after weeks the result was declared, she top in the whole school.She didn't even believe it.She knew it was all done by that stone. So she told her friends about it. But when she reached he the stone vanished from her hands and starting from that day her wishes were not being fulfilled.
From there she learned that the miracles and mysterious things shouldn't be telling to others.