

Zombie And The Honeybees (pt 5)
(Riley's point of view) It's been a year since we got new cloths we also found a new car with only 2 or 3 mobs that had approched us. We are now 15, we have tried to find other survivers but so far we haven't been very lucky. The closest we have gotten to finding someone was a noise but that was just an animal. The car that we had been riding in had finally run out of gas forcing us to find a new one, but instead of going to the next house over we started walking again. We had taken extra cloths some in the bigger sizes so we wouldn't have to return to the little thrift shop. after we had walked a mile we decided to take a small break, we sat on a bench when Kati stood up and started running, startled I stand up and start running after her everyone else doing the same. The reseaon we had started running again was because Kati saw a mob approching us, as they drew nearer we started prepairing for battle when we hear a crack. It wasn't long until we hear another one then another and another until it's clear to see who or what it is. (Haydens point of view) A boy had come up from behind and start killing the zombies, when the lifless corpes's were now lying on the floor the boy had introduced himself. He said that his name was Griffion, he was 15 the same age as us, I have to admit he was pretty cute. (Kati's point of view) The boy seemed to be travling alone so me and the girls decided to let him travle with us, Riley went running to a house and kicked the door open confused the boy asked what she was doing. We had explaind to him that she was looking for some keys, Riley comes running out of the house keys in hand and hops into the car and starts it, we all go running towrds her when I had stop half way. I look at the boy still standing in the same spot with a confused look on his face, I tell him to get going so she was going to leave without us and he starts walking up to Kati. I think we were moving to slow for Rileys taste because she poked her head out of the car and yelled "hurry your ass's up or I am going to leave you", after that we picked up the pace. (Griffion point of veiw) Me and the girl who's name I learn was Kati got into the car when a thought poped into my head, without thinking I ask if the girl who's name I can't remeber if she even knows how to drive, I look around to see eveyone face in horror confused I asked what was wrong. The girl in the drivers seat slowly turns around with a grin that went from ear to ear, she looks at the girl in the passengers seat and say "What do you think girls shoud I" all the girls start yelling things like no, dont do it, please don't then she turns around says too late and hits the gas peddle, everyone is now screaming. When we had got to are destination we flooded out the car, I had learned that the last time she did that was when the outbreak had started they had said it was the scarest thing in their life because they didn't know she was cappable of driving. We found a good resting place where we wouldn't be attacked ate then got ready for bed, all the girls had laid anywhere that wasn't the hard floor and drifted of to sleep fairly fast, well everyone but one, I sat up and asked her what she was doing, she turnd her head towrds me and say that she is keeping watch because it was her turn. She turns her head back to the window and stupidly I say "I never got your name" where she responded with "I never gave it to you" still looking out the window, she looked tired almost if she had been awake for days on end, I tell her that I would keep watch and that she could go to bed, she looked at me with a confused exprestion then a look of relief over came her. She stood from her spot and went next to the blond haired girl, as I took her spot I hear a voice "Riley" it says I look back to see the girl sitting up, "what" I say the girl speaks again "Riley, thats my name" she lays her head down and then she too is taken by sleep.
© Julia storymaker