

Lost to Find
Once upon a time, there was a woman named Mary who felt lost in life. She was wandering aimlessly, unsure of who she truly was or what she wanted. But little did she know, this journey would lead her to an unexpected discovery - herself.

You see, Mary had been through some very dark days. She had spent months contemplating suicide, struggling to find any reason to keep going. But deep down, there was a tiny flicker of hope that refused to fade away.

One fateful day, as Mary found herself meandering through unfamiliar streets, she stumbled upon a quaint little bookstore. Intrigued, she stepped inside and began browsing through countless shelves of books, searching for something unseen - her true self.

As Mary read through the pages of various self-help books, she started to realize what was truly important in her life. It wasn't the material success or external validation she had once sought after. It was the simple joys of connection, compassion, and personal growth.

Feeling a newfound sense of purpose, Mary began documenting her journey in a journal. She delved deeper into the meanings of self, exploring the different facets of her personality and discovering what truly mattered to her.

But amidst her exploration, Mary couldn't shake off a strange feeling that someone was trying to harm her before she could reach her true self. She began suspecting her coworker, Jessica, who had always seemed envious of her successes.

One evening, as Mary headed home from work, she noticed Jessica tailing her in her own car. Suspicion turned into certainty when Jessica clumsily tried to follow Mary through a train crossing. Mary's heart raced as she witnessed Jessica's car get stuck on the tracks, just as a train came rushing towards them.

In a whirlwind of emotions, Mary's instincts kicked in. She quickly raced out of her car and rushed to Jessica's aid. With time running out, she managed to release the stuck seat belt and pull Jessica to safety, narrowly avoiding the oncoming disaster.

Confused and grateful, Jessica stumbled for words as Mary confronted her about her strange behavior. Jessica attempted to hide the truth, but her lie about the restaurant being on the other side of town gave her away. Mary demanded an explanation for her actions.

A heated argument ensued between the two women. In the midst of their dispute, a stray dog suddenly appeared and charged towards them, baring its teeth. Fear gripped them both, and they instinctively ran for safety.

Mary jumped into her car, and Jessica found refuge on the roof. As they attempted to drive away, the persistent dog stood in front of the car, barking ferociously. Thinking on her feet, Mary tossed a cheese stick out the window, distracting the dog long enough for them to escape.

With the danger behind them, Jessica pleaded with Mary to let her in the car. However, Mary held her ground, demanding an apology for all the harm Jessica had caused. As tears streamed down her face, Jessica finally apologized, recognizing the gravity of her actions.

Just as the dog returned, Mary unlocked the door, allowing Jessica to enter before the dog could harm her. They drove away, leaving the chaos and negativity behind.

In the aftermath of that chaotic day, Jessica faced severe consequences for destroying her company car by the train tracks and was ultimately fired. As for Mary, she felt a burden lifted off her shoulders, finally free from the oppression that had surrounded her.

Mary moved forward with her life, armed with a newfound resilience and an understanding of what truly mattered to her. She embraced the simple joys, treasuring connection, and personal growth. And from that day forward, Mary lived a good life, always grateful for the beacon of light she had discovered within herself.

And so, on this journey of self-discovery, Mary not only found herself but also the strength to overcome adversity and thrive.
© NightSwimThePoet