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"Sparkly, huh ?"...oh not really l thought that maybe green a due but maybe, not ,.."eh.. clar...k ?"... what the fuck are you over there doing?"That was not only a stupid question but also an impossible one to answer not that the inquitional starting point of it was stupid but when clar...k went off ..he sure did. Not that you wouldn't mind him going off .But when he didn't come back with whatever he was suppose to then that would be the ..cause of the most erradical error ever..Realizing most of the foolishness was an irreversable jaunt but starting out he always came back ...and didn't ever have anything he was suppose to .Said differently having stuff was never my job and you could never have clark. Mainstreaming though could only relate a part of your life that was pure. "I need more ..time "..if mark anthony were here how much time would you have ,huh? lois..." look just get the damn receipt form and hurry. My aspirations for journalism was so contemptable that inspite of every thing I'd ever done ,it was interesting .The spot most that I endured with was conferencing you know "being in, the in".. you know .Most of the most reliable places on earth were not only here but a beckoning sure am".. you hear me? like I would surely like it if or ;like surely what part of the day would you like, sir ? My achient hideaway places were surely not close enough to come to but when I needed an enviorment to sulk the job was that exact place.
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Testosterone and angel spices were the only problem were I was stored and not holding a contempory spot only said that in -impossible situations could never come..or never will.Justice on the other hand or radio..ly saying something were only part-time miscongruencies that only turned your topic to my point of view but since topics weren't my mainstream I guess the rest was sure to come...
Dealing with aremeneal sulfates and regular things anti-intoxified me self diagnosis's such as spinning and being relevatory was different ..as I grew up I learned turning things your way was never a way to start things but still in an in and out spot or place what do we have ...or not. As recent as I was or as far away as I could go earth would still and always be here...
"Dialogues different ,..come here, clark ,what are you talking about.." the daily planet say's inorder to be somewhere you have to go ... there". "How do we do that ,lois ,huh ?...I need five people ,from five places to come ..in and observe, the temperatures, radioactivity and length of every soap opera in town. And judging from the way things are going I don't entirely have a way to do that. Missionarily devolving a way to do ..that. I closed my eyes ..If grief was any similar I'd swear I die ..and love doing it .Not that dying was a superior thing but still when you were way out who cared..nobody listened anyway. And because of that my own inadequacies slipped me, maybe not slipped entirely. But still when In need of something else what ..do you have.. ?
© Ronald R Woods Jr