

" Message for innocent girls "!!!
Dear friends, i am going to describe you a very inspiring and motivating thing among all of you. Read my words carefully, this article only for girls, who are very innocent and pure. Who don't know, how the men trapped them? Girls are very sensitive, and easily trapped by the kind words of cunning men. Men are very clever and sharp and know how the girls inspired and trapped by their fake love. Men only want one thing from girls, which is only sex, physical relationship? And girls thoughts that men love them so much.

But this is not reality. reality is very different from irreality. I know romance is a part of our life, Nobody cannot live without physical attachments. But my opinion, is that we should make physical relationship after marriage. There are number of people who make sexual relationship without marriage. That's why, they don't spent a happy and pure life. Life partner is a need of everyone, but let me clear one thing, if our partner is nice and pious he will not definitely do bad deed before marriage.

Nowadays, mobile phones play a vital role to perform wrong deeds. All the innocent boys and girls easily trapped by this dangerous technology. Due to the wrong use of mobile phones, people are looking very upset and worried. In that case, they want to commit suicide. If we choose right person to fulfill our dreams, so we can spend a happy and pure life. Marriage is a Sunnah in islam. If we are follow Islamic culture in this way, we can become a successful person. After marriage we can enjoy a lot of blessings every day. Marriage is a great blessing of Allah Almighty. We are far away from our culture. Our culture is very simple and easy. After marriage Lord gifted us a very precious gift through children. So we should follow always Halal ways. Every religion has a halal ways to fulfill our desires, but we are totally forgot our values. So we should always do good deeds to spent a happy life. Dear girls, be aware from the cunning people. Always choose right ways. Sex is not bad but after marriage its make pure and blissful.

I hope you are understand my point of view. Your beloved Saba.

Thanks for reading.

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