

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones Series) 12
Chapter 12: The Old Lady at Casterly Rock

Meanwhile at Lady Sansa's chamber..
"Take it off, it will never fit me! I hated the idea of wearing such awful dress. Find me something fancier, would you!" the young lady had impatiently hissed to her attending servants. As Racy noticed of Sansa's impatient tone, she rushed at once to the young lady's wardrobe to look for another fancy dress she could wear at the small dinner held at the Castle's Garden hosted by Queen Cersei herself for the Winterfell highborns.
"Try this one, my Lady." she showed her the elegant dress she had found. It was her own choice. She had hope the young lady would like it. Her taste of style never failed her.
Sansa eyed on her and gave her a sharp look.
"Go get it quickly, Leila."
Sansa commanded to one of her servant and the girl had swiftly took the dress from Racy's hands.
Racy was glad and silently smiled when she had noticed the young Lady liked the dress she had chosen for her.
And the three of them had followed Lady Sansa at the Castle's garden.
Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly and the Lannisters were already there when they arrived. Lady Sansa was escorted by one of the Castles's red cloak-armoured guard towards the long table. Racy and the two servants had meekly followed the young lady and stood behind her seat.
As her eyes wandered around, she was totally impressed by the beauty of the place and most especially of Queen Cersei's excellent preference.  The Castle from its exterior boasts views of wide fields and ancient ruins, while its large garden were flourished with specifically chosen blossoms, demure roses and shrubs, featured paths leading towards the lovely circular pool-fountain with marble statues on its base that creates an ornate, majestic and elegant atmosphere. The place seemed romantic and calming, too.
Then her gaze had landed to Jon Snow's seat. He was seriously talking to the head of the House, Lord Tywin Lannister. Then suddenly all of them went silent. Their eyes turned to the young, pretty blonde girl, who was gracefully approaching towards the long table followed by the full-dressed servants. She wore the most elegant dress Racy had ever seen. All of the servants and so were the red cloak-armoured guards bowed to her. Her vibrant and sweet aura screamed of pure royalty.
It was Queen Cersei who stood up to greet the young girl. Her eyes were full of happiness as she was about to hug the young blonde girl.
"Queen Mother!"
The young girl, who was no other than the Princess of seven kingdoms had sweetly kissed the Queen's cheek.
"Princess Myrcella. "
It was Lady Sansa. She greeted the Princess in a very polite manner and so was Jon. 
The Princess had seated beside Sansa Stark. It was pretty obvious she likes the young Lady of Winterfell.
"I am so delighted you showed up to my Grandfather's invitation."
The Princess sweetly smiled at the siblings.
"Thank you, Princess. But we also came here to discuss some urgent matter with the Queen and Lord Tywin."
Jon said in his very casual tone.
The Princess adoringly looked at Jon. There was no doubt, she adores and admire the young Lord of Winterfell. But Jon never set his gaze towards the Princess. He knew of the consequence if he would dare look at her.
The lavish meals had been served at the long table. Everyone had started to eat except to the attending servants and castle guards. 
As Racy saw and smelled the food in front of her, she suddenly felt the hunger then remembered, she hadn't eaten since they arrived at Casterly Rock. Her stomach growled wildly, was good enough for everyone at the long table to be heared especially Jon. He impatiently eyed on her. Her cheeks suddenly turned red and shamefully smiled at him but she quickly moved her gaze away from Jon.
I never learned! I'm such an awful girl, really!
She silently scolded herself.
It was almost an hour passed, when Jon stood up. He politely bid them to go ahead for he had some urgent things to discuss with Samwell Tarly and his Northsmen.
"Girl-slave, you come along with me."
He coldly gaze at her. A sudden chill crept up from the bottom of her heart.
"Right away, my Lord."
She gracefully bowed to the Lannisters, the Princess and Lady Sansa at the long table and followed Jon Snow.
"Was he mad at me again?"
She worriedly asked herself while following Jon Snow behind. For that matter, she had almost forgot her hunger. But her stomach growled again.
"It was really your intention to humiliate me and my sister in front of the Lannisters?" there was an accusing of Jon's words.
As Jon Snow made a halt, he turned his gaze towards Racy. He looked annoyed at her.
"N-no, my Lord. It was not of my intention, I just had never eaten food since we arrived this morning, that was why my stomach growled." she frightenedly defended herself. The annoyed reaction of Jon's face seemed to vanished as he glanced at the girl-slave.
"Go and find something to eat, then."
He coldly replied without looking at her. And went on his way.
She was left stunned but somehow relieved.
So, Racy had never wasted any more seconds and ran towards where the castle's Kitchen was. Quickly, she made her way through there, since the head servant had already toured them upon their arrival at the castle. She saw the other Lannister servants who were currently eating their late dinner and was asked to join the table. Racy was so glad and started to eat to fill her hunger.
She was grateful, Jon Snow had never became  cruel to her since that day he had almost choked her to death. She had hoped he did not despised her that much anymore.. or, so she thought..
"Aye, look what do we have here.." An old lady, fully dressed in servant's uniform came in view. "What's your name young lady?"
Racy hesitated for a moment.
"R-Racy Bolton and I'm from North."
She answered and studied the reaction of the old lady's face. The other servant looked at each other for a moment when they heard of her name and continued on with their meal.
"So, it was true that the daughter and the heiress of the usurper from North was here and truly became the lowliest servant of Winterfell."
Said the old lady.
Racy went silent and slightly nodded her head.
"Yes, it's true. I am the traitor's daughter." in great shame and pain she looked at the old lady's hazel eyes.
"You must not let your hopes die, dear child. It isn't over. You are not destined to be like this for a lifetime..Your fate was already sealed before you were born."
The old lady softly whispered to her.
She was baffled of what the old lady told her.
"W-Who are you?"
She was suddenly alarmed.
"Everyone never knew of my true existence. I am Maggy the Wood Witch but they were only familiar of me being the master of herb-lore and healing.." she proudly exclaimed.
Racy gasped in disbelief. Why on seven kingdoms had she encountered someone like her? Eversince she was a child, she never believed in witches and magic. But here she was now, talking to those who claimed to be one.
"If you are the Wood Witch, why are you here in this castle?" Racy roamed her eyes, she could see that most of the servants were gone.
The old lady smiled.
"I have waited for you."
"W-why? What do you want from me?"
Panic had started to fill her senses.
What if this old lady was one of those who had wronged by her father and want to hurt her in return?
"Please, if my father had wronged you, too, or your family, I asked for your forgiveness. Please don't hurt me."
She frightenedly whispered to her.
But the old lady smiled.
"Do not fear, dear child. I would never bring you harm. There is only something very important you must know of who you really are, before I lose the opportunity to tell you.."
She was startled when Jon's angry voice boomed in every corner of the kitchen.
"M-my Lord.."
The familiar fear took over her.
"What are you still doing here! You really dare tried to test my patience! I allowed you to eat since you asked that and seek pity from me, but it doesn't mean I forgot that you are my girl-slave and a traitor! You really are a shameful being. " he was furious and sharp words were thrown at her.
But I'm still a human being, Jon Snow..why are you treating me this rudely?
She wanted to tell him those words but she  keep it to herself instead.
"I happened to met someone here, my Lord. An old lady. She said, there is something she must tell me."
She looked at her side but Maggy was already gone. The seat beside her was vacated. She wandered her eyes around but old lady wasn't there anymore. Perhaps, she quickly crept outside. Or maybe, she was afraid of Jon, too, so she sneaked away without telling her.
While on their way back to Jon Snow's chamber.. Racy was still baffled by the old lady's words. If they hadn't been interrupted by Jon's presence, perhaps, she had already know what the old lady was about to tell her.

© melai2020

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