


The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her.
was it greed or jeolusy that had driven him to struck her?
or was it the looming and rigged feeling of being single.Being alone.He didn't know.
He craned his kneck to look around the room.Surely there must have been a lingering clue,a piece of remembrance that would enable him to remember where he was and what had driven him to perform this preposterous act.
there wasn't any.Aside from the shattered window with fragments of glass still clinging miserably to the window sill .
A shard of realization wrenched him from this forsaken reality to his empty mind space.He tried to remeber.Remeber exactly what had happened.
Empty.There was nothing.Nothing aside from anger..A swaying serpent of rage slithering inside him,hissing false and fake statements ,raising his temper.
His hands trembled slightly with the weight of the glistening knife.Violently,he threw it aside ,and it swaggered gently,resting atlast by the lifeless corpse .
frustration engulfed him.
"Memories are a curse",he remembered himself saying to a girl.His wife.
Was fate playing with his mind.Driving him crazy.Insane .A pysopath.He was one ,he realized.slaying this nude woman.His wife.
realization.Remembrance embraced him.He remembered it.A little too well
He had come home,late as usual due to the nerve wrecking and burdening presentation.The door to his room was left ajar and he could hear voices inside .
a scoop of laughter from a man and a faint feeble giggle from a woman.
he stopped.It was almost midnight.Who could it be?
the butler?The gardener?Who?
Curious to figure who exactly was flirting with his wife at this time,he banged open the door to reveal two nude couple.The woman in this relationship-his wife.
Enraged.Furious he wrenched off the man from the tightening embrace.Banged him across the desk,punching ,slapping and kicking every bare limb of him Every piece he deliberately left uncovered.
Cursing him,banging him againt the rough oppression of the wall,he threw him aside to the window.
A high piercing shriek and the voice of glass breaking enabled him to realize that the deed was done.That that bastard had been slain.
Next he turned his attention to his wife-the traitorsome women.She was still in the bed ,trembling and flinching as he approached closer.
He didn't care that she was his wife.Every traiotor deserves a punishment,he thought as he grabbed the dinner knife and stabbed it right into her chest .
she screamed,cried ,pleaded but he was done forgiving her.Done giving her another chance.
Blood seeped from her chest,screams and curses rattled against his eardrums but he didn't stop.He wanted to savour everything,destroy everything his eyes could possibly see.
the screams stopped and so did the pressure of the knife.

Breathing heavily,he tried to reagin his balance.His eye blurred ,misty with the stress of those miserable tears.
what good was crying now?He had killed her,his own wife.laughed and mocked at hwr screams,triumphed over her loss.
he was crazy.A murderer.
Memories are a curse,his brain chortled.
it was,he was better off without this guilt,better off without this blood on his hands.
he wanted to forget this
But forgetting had squirmed out of his hands.
"Memories are a curse",his insides screamed as he heard sirens flaying in the corner.
"Every traitor,every murderer ought to be punished"