

Dead Man
(Reading time 3 minutes)

A man was proved to be mentally ill. But, he wasn’t. He was also very strange sometimes, he was deadly affected, Said the people.

The doctor was being called, There is no chance for survival, Doctor said. Sooner family & friends gathered for him. He will not remain until 6 PM this evening, Said the doctor.

The ticktick of the clock all was up to it. The man was watching the clock and exactly 6 PM he closed his eyes.
But, he was not dead. His idiotic life’s philosophy was so suppressed on him that it told him that he is dead. He has to obey that.

He tried to reopen his eyes(Saw clock again), moved the limbs.
His wife was sitting nearby, she said close your eyes!
After being dead you are opening your eyes have you got any shame?! The wife said.

Doctors, Astrologers, philosophers have said that you will be dead at 6!,...