

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? The crystal lady comes down from the white stairs of the sky.She comes near the window and asked her to go in a different place.The girl agreed with the lady and went with a golden cart.They reached the place where the gate is written "enchanting moment of home". The girl see that what she can't believe.There is small small trees and every aged human being living in their houses.But there is no rich and poor people.Every animals live happily with humans.Everybody helps each other.No judgement, no discrimination about money, color, education, no big big houses.The river water is so transparent.If somebody is in deep grief or in disease, other people give strength and power to fight.Then that little girl asked the lady why you took me to this place and see this all things.The lady says that why your world is not like this.Everybody is looking their own interests.At that time, a tiger comes from the deep dark woods towards the girl.When she woke up, she was in bed.That time she is thinking about that dream and that beautiful lady.Now onwards she is determined to whatever happened, she make a beautiful, meaningful world.
-----The end-----
Thoughts can change the world.Lets start from the small, make the world even better that we thought.