

The Blind Ace
September 4th was a day I'd never forget, the rains poring slowly and I was drenched. Feeling like a loser, I felt disappointed in myself. Thinking of just staying wet, I just wanted to enjoy the cold weather and slow falling rain. The lightning and loud thunder didn't scared me nor did it bother me. It was the thought of leaving my Las Vegas life for a minimum of ninety days. To be honest I'd never felt like a loser. I was the overachiever and a nerd behind a computer. Like every rich guy, I was full of myself and well of my head was always in the clouds. My appearance captured alot of attention yet, my skills reflect who I really am. I lived in Las Vegas and the money never stops coming. The sights, the girls, the money, the casinos, yes it was the life. There's always something missing and I'd always admire the couple's that run away to Vegas just to be married. I never had someone to love me but I'd always hope someone or in my case the right one comes. I didn't have a care in the world. Nothing mattered to me expect my company, my ego and genuine love for science has made me rich but lonely. Besides being a computer genius, I loved gambling, let's just say I had a love connection with the cards. Especially the Ace. Well at least so I used to think, until I met Tyler Wesley. Gosh this guy was from hill billy town, in other words Kansas. This state was the one thing I hated. I just never liked the country side. Tyler came to Las Vegas in search of luck and well he found me. I was playing poker that night and it was like the cards were angry with me, I lost every game. I kept thinking how could Josh Rivers lose game of poker?. I was upset and got obsessed with winning. I kept playing until, Tyler sat at the table for the next game. I was drunk and out of control, yes I wasn't a nice guy at the moment. My ego and pride got the best of me. All I wanted was to win, I was mean and reckless. Tyler seemed honest but, he had determination in his eyes as if he was out for blood. Being relentless, stupid and well drunk, I made a bet I was soon to regret. He had a sly look on his face that aggravated me and I somehow felt irritated so I challenged Tyler to a poker game. If he won he'd have my life for ninety days and I'd have his. Gosh I always wished I'd never had said that. His confidence was overwhelming and he was as stubborn as I am so, he accepted the bet. The game was about to start and I knew for a second that I was going to lose but I played hard and fell even harder. The intensity of that game got me cold sweating and I couldn't stop tapping my fingers on the table. As the cards laid flat I lost single handily. Tyler had the Ace, the blind ACE. I was doomed for that ninety days. Gosh I was so mad and shocked at the same time. I regretted every moment of that game. I however didn't go back on my word. I shaked hands with Tyler and signed a contract that I had my assistant constructed. Turns out Tyler had alot of skills in my line of work so, I guess my company was in safe hands. For I didn't know Tyler had a wild side. I decided to leave my best friend in charge. I was about to let a stranger into my life and my home, trust wasn't something I had. Tyler was indeed happy but for me, my night was just getting worse. The rains poured heavily, as I was driving home; I couldn't see the road. I managed to get a flat on the way. I got drenched in the rain trying to fix it. I got home, angry and confused, I popped open a bottle of the finest champagne and rocked back soaking wet on the sofa. Arguing within myself I felt as if I was disappointed. My best friend felt pity and decided to help me dry off with a towel. I told my best friend Talia Dawson, about my horrible night. She was much older to me but she gave the best advice. The next morning, I decided to fly over to hill billy town, yes it was Kansas. Out of every place on earth Tyler had to live in Kansas. My flight landed and the sight of corn was everywhere, I was just ready to quit the bet. Every where I looked, was covered with cornfields and farms not to mention the small white houses. Gosh I was starting to feel home sick already. I arrived at Tyler's home, my mind was filled with hesitation, as Tyler's family came outside to greet me. I hesitated but I eventually had to leave the car. Meanwhile back in Las Vegas, Tyler was having a ball of a time with my best friend. He couldn't believe the house I had, with all the tech stuff, Tyler went insane. He hosted a huge party at my house and empty all the liquor in my that I stocked up. Tyler was taking full advantage of my life at this point. The first person to greet me was Tyler's little sister Maryann, who was the cutest little thing ever. She was just five and she basically won my heart. I know I don't seem like the soft type but there was something genuine about her and the way she spoke. Tyler's mother Mrs.Alisha, was very welcoming and her cooking was the high light of the evening. Her motherly touches were something I haven't felt for a very long time. Then there's Tyler's father Mr. Kent who didn't seem to like me very much but he didn't appear to be a very good person. He looked mean and intense. It just scared me a whole lot more than I'd expect. Tyler also had an older brother Noah, he seemed like alot of fun. This was the first time I have had dinner with a family, I usually eat with Talia alone. Noah, showed me to Tyler's bedroom after dinner, and I have to admit I wasn't really comfortable but I felt at home. The next morning, I put on a suit and tie. I got dress like I usually do but in Kansas they would think I'm uptight and sophisticated. Yes my choice in fashion didn't match up to the Wesley's. Mr. Kent just looked at me like as if he wanted to just chop me to pieces. Tyler's dad Kent had seem less concerned about his son. It's almost like he never liked Tyler. Yes the Wesley family had issues, which got me thinking but I didn't care, I just had to play the part until the ninety days was over. Noah laughed at the way I dressed which I did felt offended and I sarcastically asked him "so what would Tyler wear?" Noah handed me a pair denim jeans and a red plaid shirt with cowboy boots and hat. It wasn't my style but I did trade in my expensive suit for the plaid shirt, which I rocked by the way. I did wore the jeans and shirt but the boots and hat was not I'd never find myself wearing them. I head outside to see what the guys usually do around here and honestly I felt like a lumber jack after. Noah showed me how to chop firewood and place them in a stack . I was a born natural but I did have fun. Having Noah around, I felt like I had a big brother. We did happened to laugh and share a moment of brotherly affection. Noah explained that Tyler never liked hanging out with him. He would make excuses. I felt like Tyler wasn't very nice to his family. He then took me out into the cornfields to harvest the corn, this was something I'd hate doing daily. The burning sun beamed down on my shoulder and I felt the string. I just wanted to quit and just go home but then I'd fail the bet. I wasn't going to give up so easily. What a day I had, I was going to fetch water for the horses and noticed.....A red car turned into the drive way and a girl came out. Like any other guy I'd be stealing a look, which almost cost me my embarrassment. She was walking towards the house when she noticed I fell into the horses water barrel. "Are you okay?" Yes it was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. She immediately laughed and helped me out. She introduced herself as Sacha Cameron. I couldn't stop staring, I told her I was new around here. Her smile was very genuine and her kindness reflected in her eyes. Let's just say I couldn't stop staring. Just then Noah appeared out of nowhere, "hey Sacha nice seeing you around here!" Noah told her who I am as he introduced me "oh by the way this is Josh Rivers." and as listen to them speak, I was shocked to know that she was Tyler's girlfriend. Jeez the look on my face, like how the hell a girl like Sacha Cameron ended up with a guy like Tyler. She smiled and left with Noah. I was drenched and I needed a shower and a fresh pair of pants. The day faded and the sun went down, beautiful as they would call it. I was walking down the stairs when, I heard Alisha and Sacha talking about me. I was intruding on their conversation by eavesdropping from the other side of the wall. Alisha was telling Sacha that I was a friend of Tyler's and I was in town for a few days. I was shocked that Tyler didn't tell his family about the bet. This was an advantage I was willing to take. I then decided to join the dinner table when I was questioned about my professional skills. I started off by saying "I'm a tech guy!" they all looked at me as if I spoke Greek or something. So in a very childish way I explained that I owned a tech company. Sacha was the only one who understood what I meant, She was very interested in science and technology, that surprised me. After dinner I went outside to make a call, to inform Taila about the news I've heard. The reception was so bad, I was walking around if I was picking the stars from the sky. Sacha happened to be leaving when she noticed I was searching for a signal. "Hey what you doing?" I almost died, I was startled "shit don't sneak up on me like that!" she laughed. Again I felt a bit embarrassed. We had a short conversation about ourselves when I happened to actually listen.

Sacha said " you know the signal comes better from there!" as she chuckled a bit, me being childish and sarcastic I said "really for a second I swore if was coming from you!" I think I made her feel like I was flirting but I just wanted to go home. Finally my call went through and Sacha said " I'll see you tomorrow have great day Josh." I didn't seem to care " yeah ok you to bye!" on the phone Talia heard me bidding farewell to Sacha and she asked who was she?. I told Talia what I heard and that Tyler lied to his family. Meanwhile back in Vegas Tyler was making a mess of my company's name and I felt like the ninety days of terror had just began. Talia did try to contain the problem but Tyler didn't want to listen he was as stubborn as he could be. I guess he never knew what I was capable of doing. The next day I purchased a bunch of stuff online for Tyler's family and well of course my self. Everyone was impressed and had the most sentimental moments together. I was worried about Talia and my company falling apart but I had to take responsibility for what has happened. After my shopping I seized all my accounts and locked down my house by just using my phone. Tyler was getting worried since he felt like he had ruined my life, which in fact he did. I was going to treat this ninety days as a vacation while Tyler tries to fix the problems he caused in Vegas. It's been a month and Tyler was getting frustrated, even though Talia knew what the problems were, she wanted to teach him a lesson. Tyler had a habit of doing what he wants, he was irresponsible and not thinking of the consequences so, this was his chance to change his attitude. While I was beginning to hate Kansas alot more. I did alot of things that kept me away from the laptop and I did more outdoors activities, like feeding chickens. After this I got to say that I've never been afraid of chickens till now. Everyday I'd try but I would get chased around the farm. Maryann was the only one who was kind enough to show me how it's done the right way. I felt so embarrassed that a five year old taught me how to chickens. Another thing Maryann showed me was receiving eggs, it looked so easy till I tried and got bitten. Alisha would attend to my cuts or bruises which I liked alot because I never knew what's it like to have a mother. One morning, as I head out to the barn, Mr. Kent called me over. It appears that something was wrong with the tractor. I had no mechanical skills when it came to vehicles but I did manage to fix it. I decided to get my hands dirty, Sacha had came over for lunch and I told her I'd join her in a minute. Finally I finished and Mr. Kent started up the tractor, he decided to show me how to drive it but it was my bad luck that it crashed into the fence. I actually thought Mr. Kent would be angry but he was more worried about my safety than he did about the tractor. I saw a different side to Mr. Kent it was visible that he loved his son but Tyler never did spend quality time with them. I was making a positive impact on the family and with everyday goes by I was starting to like it here. I have to admit even Sacha and I had been spending alot of time together. This wasn't my intention but everytime she came to visit she would find me doing something that would make her laugh. We took a horse ride to a small lake, where Tyler would take her on picnics and well to just spend time together. I amused by the nature and natural beauty of this place. There were narrow lengths of wood that created a beautiful walk way out over the water. This had seemed relaxing for me. I laid flat, face up into the evening sun as listened to the birds sing. Sacha sat beside me and she spoke of how much fun she has with me. So I was yeah ok I had fun to but then she leaned over and kissed me unexpectedly. I opened my eyes and pushed her away gently "what is this?" as I said confused. Sacha told me she was developing feelings for me. I backed away immediately, I knew Sacha was Tyler's girlfriend but it wasn't my intention to completely take what's his. I walked away and went back to the house. Noah was waiting for me at the front door. He had found the contract which Tyler had signed. Noah was cool about the situation since he liked me but he was angry at his brother for lying to his family. Noah didn't tell anyone about the contract nor did he question me. I knew he wouldn't expect Sacha to fall for me nor I did tell him she tried to kiss me. I tried my best to stay within my limits. Every time she came over I'd avoid her. Meanwhile in Vegas, Tyler had met a girl who works for me, Jezebel Hayes. She had a lot of great things to say about me and it left Tyler thinking that my life was as perfect as it can be, little did he know I had no family. I had Talia alone. Back in Kansas, Talia told me everything was working out for the best and I needed to keep faith, for the ninety days would end soon. One morning I was awaken at 5:45 am by the cow in the barn, who apparently was in labour. I was miserable and honestly I just wanted to sleep. The cow kept mooing and I was getting very irritated. I decided to march down to the barn, when I found the entire Wesley family trying to deliver a baby cow. I threw up the moment I saw the blood. Noah gave me gloves and asked me to help, believe me I wanted to bail so bad at this point but I just couldn't say no. The worse part is while pulling the baby cow out, alot of the goo was splashed all over me, it felt disgusting and it made me sick to my stomach afterwards. After spending almost three hours in the shower, I called Talia just to check in with her and apparently she sounded worried over the phone. Since the reception was bad I couldn't hear a word she said. Back in Vegas money had gotten into Tyler's head. He had forgotten what his old life was like and he couldn't care less about Sacha. He had it all my house, my cars, my company and of course my money. Tyler found a way to use my name to get into my bank accounts and stole alot of money that I worked for all my life. He decided to spend the money on unnecessary things like drugs and women. Talia had tried to speak with him but it was of no use. Instead he threw her out. It was the last week of the ninety days contract and I was excited to go home. Unknowingly of what had happened in my absence, I had spent weeks chopping wood and fetching water for the horses I had delivered a baby cow which was very disgusting for me I almost died in the process. I was attacked by chickens and well of course, I drove a tractor that I crashed. So yes my time in Kansas would deeply scar me but the best moments were that I felt as though I had a family. It changed my point of view and of course my life. When I was chased by the chickens Maryann saved me, she showed me how to feed them. I felt stupid that a five year old showed me how to feed chickens and when I crashed the tractor Kent was worried that I had gotten hurt and Alisha was there to comfort my needs. They treated me as if I was part of the family. On the other hand was Sacha, she did apologize for kissing me and she think it was wrong but we decided to spend the last day together. She told me how Tyler would treat her and how he was obsessed with money that he lost sight of what's really important which made me wonder I wasn't any different and I made the money but I was left alone. During this accidental trip to Kansas I learned about Tyler, to be honest I was beginning to get worried for his obsession could cause me alot of trouble. I knew once I was home I had to change a few things in my life. I saw a different side of Sacha that day and I fell in love with it. She had a genuine kindness and it was my mistake that I didn't see it earlier. Which of course I regretted but little did I know Noah was listening to our conversation and it made him angry. He felt as though I was trying to replace his brother and it wasn't my intention. It didn't matter how much I tried to explain he didn't listen but I just appreciated the way they treated me. I knew it was time to reveal the truth which actually hurt everyone deeply but this wasn't my fault it was Tyler's. After hearing about the bet Sacha hated me and the Wesley's felt betrayed. Little did they know Tyler was trying to steal my life. I felt rejected and hurt but it was time to go home. My jet landed and Talia was there to greet me with a limousine. Fear and anger filled my heart as Talia explains everything Tyler did in Vegas. I just wanted my life back. Tyler went to the courts to attain my life and everything I owed he told everyone I was no more. I have no idea when I died but it was interesting to know how far Tyler's obsession went. As I entered my home it didn't feel like home. Tyler had completely trashed my house and made a mess of my company. Tyler was asleep comfortably in my king sized bed which upset me alot. I woke him and asked him to leave immediately. Tyler had the nerve to pick a fight with me. He was being selfish and self centered. I wasn't going to listen to his nonsense so I asked my security to escort him out. On the way out a police officer who was looking for me requested to see me. I kindly allowed him when he pushed me on the floor and arrested me. Shocked as I was, I couldn't say anything but Talia knew exactly what to do. Tyler returned to Kansas immediately and acted as if nothing had happened. The police arrested me for possession of drugs which they found at my house, I was so mad I didn't know what to do at the moment. Tyler went back to his old ways and his family began to missed me. Tyler was rude and mean to his family he treated them with such disrespect and hatred. When the police did their investigation they realized that I was innocent and I had every right to press charges but I wanted to teach Tyler a lesson. I went home and my life seemed so lonely then, I was furious and had alot of work to do. Back in Kansas Tyler didnt even care about his family's feelings. Tyler went back to his selfish ways of life, he kept on betting and drinking he did manage to win thirty thousand dollars which he just wasted on women and drugs. I had crashed, his father's tractor so to fix that I wanted to buy a new one for Mr. Kent. I decided to visit, unexpectedly, to my surprise everyone was very happy to see me. Unfortunately Tyler found a way to hide from me.

To be continued.....