

#5 they meet
Tiger eyes

fierce, dangerous yet calm eyes

she had nicknamed him 'tiger eyes'

For whatever reason he didn't include any personal details on his page ..not even his name..
Perhaps a concept?
Perhaps to project a sense of confidence? Be it false or true
Perhaps he wasn't seeking this lifestyle at all, so didn't welcome any interaction?

Whatever his reason was.. It did not matter to her. Not when she was engulfed by his simple gaze.
The lifeless gaze of sharp eyes, yet a calming presence. Somehow these contradictions were synchronous.. a charming rarity.
How old was he? "such aura could only be explained by the refinment of time..'" or so she thought..

A strong first impression for sure.
She scrolled down his page with newly found determination.

She was mesmerised. Did she manage to find a muse?

"/I did/" her thought whispered as she pulled the chair to sit infront of him.

Their first encounter.

They say when you have nothing, you're not afraid to lose anything. But thats only a privilged delusion, spewed on the ignorant minds. When you truly have nothing but you dream big,you're afraid of losing that which you haven't yet earned. You can't take risks. Taking risks was a deed for the privilged.
You're afraid of losing the precious 'potential'. Every chance is calculated and everyopportunity could be your last.
How could she not be scared to her bone?

She couldn't risk to gamble away her potential with just any pretty face.
she needed the perfect model, despite her lack of resources. She needed someone captivating from a single glance. Someone that could reignite her passion for her work.

Perhaps that someone was before her eyes.

As she was admiring his pictures, she wondered how can a fraction of an instant of someone's expression be so powerful? a simple picture so charming..
With just a photo, his eyes almost conversed with hers.
The emptiness, and the simultaneous depth were conveyed in every picture of his.

She had wondered if it was simply the talent of a photographer..

Now face to face, those same eyes were indescribable. It was clear they held dozens of untold mysteries.

.. her muse..

"What if two hurt souls come together to achieve the impossible"
what a corny thought at the most convient time.

She has made her decision. Now comes the responsibililty of judging his character.

Under his calm exterior were layers of emotions spoken through
subtlty. The anxious rubbing of the sweat traces above his lips, every few seconds.
The subtle tapping of his feet, just a meter away from hers. The firm yet desperate eye contact.
The pretense of lack of effort from his outfit, yet an obvious eagerness oozed out of their coordinated colour scheme.

His sentences were short but he always made his point. He clearly chose his words carefully. A sign of wisdom gained through experience.

She wondered once again, what kind of life did this person lead?
How old was he?

Before she could comprehend her thoughts, she was hearing his response.


Did she ask this out loud?
it seems as if the wisdom of words wasn't her forte.

wait? 23? How could he be so young?

The exclamation was evident in her expression. To which he responded with hightened anxiousness..

"Listen, i know I'm old for this industry, but I can bring my experience to the table"


he continues " I'm more passionate than anyone, I know my strengths, and I have worked on my weaknesses. I know I don't have as many chances, so every opportunity is a treasure to me. I am an extremly hard worker. If you trust me I am willing to start as a warehouse, or an assisstant camera director, or assisstant manager"

" I am very desperate for this opportunity-"

"Don't show all your cards at once. Don't unncessarily give out information." she cut him off.
" and no, you're not old. In fact, I was amazed at how young you are, compared to your mature aura"


"Do you have any questions about my startup? its vision? or your potential salary? or any other possible question is welcome"

He almost choked on the urgency of the next sentence

"will I walk on the runway?"

" I will try my absolute best to get my models with my outfits on the runway. Do I have a handful of job opportunities lined up? no, I don't. Though I assure you, you will be my responsibility as much as my company's reputation will be yours"

At those last words, his expression seemed to shrink into anxiousness.

She didn't understand why the hint of excitement disappeared as fast as it came. This might be another layer of his complexity to peel away. Or perhaps it will remain another mystery.

"So next week we should meet once again at the same place. I will send you my free days so you could chose the suitable time for you"

"What about the contract?"

"Next week"

© shahrazad