

The Last Sang 6.5 (Bring My Dreams Alive)
Ambrosia had invited us to stay the day considering we were merely an hour away from sun rise. He offered us a light tight room, the only bad thing was he only had one light tight room so we had to share the room. I thought to myself that this wasn't a big deal we had slept in the same space before.
I had no idea why I needed to convince myself it was all going to be fine or why my chest pounded so hard. I quickly slipped into a night gown Ambrosia had kindly provided me.
It had belonged to his sister before she moved out, it was a short lacy black piece and I felt embarrassed in it. I tugged at the gown in front of the mirror feeling insecure and with a deep breath I swung open the bathroom door. I turned bright red as Loki stood before me topless.
I had never seen him without his shirt and his body was breathtaking. He was slim yet fit with great definition. his hair reached half way down his back and flowed so elegantly.
"I can take the couch if it would make you more comfortable." he suggested pulling his hair back.
"No that's quite alright." I admitted as I slipped into bed, "I trust you."
He smiled slipping into the bed next to me. It was so nice to lay in a real bed, it was a king size pillow top with a black silk bedset. I stretched my body out allowing a slight moan to escape my lips.
"Nice to finally be able to rest comfortably." Loki chuckled and I turned red and flipped to away from him. "Don't be embarrassed." he said as he laid his hand on my shoulder but still I didn't move. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." he said turning away.
"It's not that I'm uncomfortable." I said quietly rolling over to face him.
"Then what's wrong?" he asked also turning to face me.
"I guess I just care a lot what you think of me." I said shyly, "When I do well embarrassing things it makes me fear you seeing me differently."
"Jezebel," he smiled pushing my hair back, "I could never see you as anything less than perfect." he answered kissing my head and pulling me in close.
My whole body lit up like a blazing fire being so close. Our faces were mere inches apart and his presence was intoxicating. The silence became louder and louder until finally I grabbed him pressing my lips to his.
"Woah, what was that?" he asked pushing away.
"I'm sorry, that just kind of happened I guess." I answered nervously.
"Nothing to be sorry about." he answered as he pressed his lips to mine.
My body felt like it had been lit up electric as he ran his tounge along the inside of my mouth. I threw my legs over him straddling him as things became more heated. His hands ran up my thighs and to my panties as his fingers danced along the seam.
"Wait." I said pressing my lips together and pulling away.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I know it seems funny me saying this considering my age but I've never done this before." I explained.
"Then just relax." he said throwing me down on the bed.
He pressed his lips against my neck and I could feel myself tensing up. Slowly he moved from my neck down my body. He removed my panties in a smooth motion and ran his hands back up my thighs.
My breath became heavy as his hand began to massage me sensually. My whole body tingled as he began to run his tounge down my skin. I thrusted my hips moaning loudly as his tounge ventrured lower and lower. I gripped the sheets lost in a blissful cloud of pleasure, when suddenly I was being shaken. I woke up to find myself fully clothed in bed next to Loki.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, "You were making some weird ads noises in your sleep."
"Oh yeah sorry just having a really weird dream I guess." I laughed nervously flopping over not to face him.
"You know, your kind of strange sometimes." he laughed rolling over also.