

Desires portrayed
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?
You can sit; reflect and ponder about what you've actually dreamt. Because sometimes, dreams are unfulfilled wishes and desires that come flashing as images in our mind when we are asleep...we'll sometimes, we also day dream. If your dream is something negative, or something that you wouldn't want to come true...and it ends up happening... please wait; think about how you can react to the situation that you've already witnessed. Don't get scared and feel bad that you are experiencing something that you thought you wouldn't. Just feel happy that you know how to deal with the situation and move forward..take your step to make the same dream( horrible dream) a nice one.. by dealing with the same situation in a positive manner. Dreams are manifestations of your beliefs, or the thoughts that you have been waiting to reveal... it's all what you've been thinking of; or the experiences that you have encountered in life. Sometimes, when you see, the events happening in a different manner ( not like the ones in your dream) and it ends up happening in a negative way, don't feel that your unable to deal with the situation....just go with the flow, it would be an experience that would teach you a lesson. Just handle the situation and everything will be fine. Hope for the best and it will happen.