

Dont forget what it was like stabilize
She recovered and didnt realize how vunerable she was still to her demons. She lost touch with her grounding and coping healthy for her bad habits is what she was best at when it came to feelings of loss and failure all over again, but this time it was different then the first for she stopped in realize she was unraveling and she told herself she couldnt throw away her progress to be back in the darkness. She was a women of goals and ambition and just tends to be blinded distracted for that matter by trauma that reminds her whenever theres a trigger. The feeling of being in control is something she craved so when she couldnt it was overwhelming and it wasnt over people but everything else around her. The feeling she got when she got robbed for her purse was as if she had fell down a rabbit hole but luckily she was able to catch herself and grip reality before she went to far and when she came back up the thought startled her she didnt want to re live that nightmare.
© Lisa Aragon