

My name is Neeta,
I feel miserable and angry at my life,
I was abused several times by my stepdad,
I try to find happiness but I end up locking myself in.
Isolating myself from others.
But one special morning I saw something beautiful and magical.
It took my heart I looked at it and it spoke to me,
Neeta you are special you can be joyful.
I smiled at it and made a wish after that morning I felt happy and with life.
I lived life to the fullest now I am on my deathbed writing to all ,
That not withstanding all you've been through you can find yourself like I did and I am happy I did.
To all my children I hope you can discover yourself because nobody is perfect but we should live like there is no tomorrow,
I was privileged to find my self though it was late but I am glad I did.🥰
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