

Ch 7- Lost
The driver saw me but didn’t even try to stop. And suddenly the car stopped. I tried to turn the car on but it was no use.

Chris: Oh god, no…Please, no!

I slammed my foot again and again on the accelerator but….

In a second…I felt the impact. My car rolled towards the deep trench beside the highway that led to a river.

I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but it didn’t work either. I just stretched my arms up sinking…deep into water. I screamed and screamed…but I did forget that no one can hear you inside water no matter how hard you try. “Someone…save me…I want to live…”

There wasn’t a single soul to hear my pleas. I wasn’t even able to notice the blood from my forehead mixing in the water. It felt so suffocating. Just as I couldn’t take it anymore…my eyes started to shut.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a room…a completely grey but big room. There were no windows, no door.

Chris: I…had an accident, didn’t I?

Unexpectedly my voice came out to be a muffled one. I saw myself with no hint of water but there was blood on my clothes. A lot of blood…

Suddenly, I felt as if I was going to be sick but instead, I coughed blood. I was puzzled and speechless. I never felt so weak and helpless in my life.

“I think it’s time to let me in…”

I heard a voice in my head which didn’t seem to be mine but of that same woman’s.

Chris: What do you want?

I said, feeling weak. It seemed foolish saying it out loud when there was no person there. I could barely keep my eyes open.

“You shouldn’t deny me. You need me. Allow me to take over you.”

Chris: Shut up…

I said, trying to assure myself.

“Why should I? You need me.”

Chris: The pain and blood is just my imagination…

I covered my ears using both my hands trying to shut the voice.

“Nonsense. I can help you if you allow me to take over you. I can give you anything you want and…I’ll tell you why is all of it happening to you. Only if…”

I slowly removed my hands from my ears hearing her.

Chris: …I allow you to take over me. Will you, really?

I was clearly tempted to allow her. Tempted to know more…no matter what it took. Even if it…destroyed me and my life. And as if I already wasn’t just stupid enough…I gave in.

“Yes, I will help you. Just listen to me and do whatever I say.”

Chris: Okay…

Out of nowhere, a man appeared in front of me. I didn’t know from where he entered. There was no way to. He crouched in front of me to reach my level with an expression I couldn’t read.

“Do you want to eat something?” He asked in a mean tone.

Just then, I saw a door behind him. “It wasn’t there before. Where did it come from?”

“Kill him.”

“Kill him? No, I can’t…I’ve never killed anyone.”

“If you don’t, he will kill you.”

I did believe her words and finally looked at the man waving his hand in front of me.

“Hey! Don’t you hear me?! Answer my damn question or die starving!”

Looking at his face, I really thought he would kill me. Her words affected me greatly.

I felt my eyes change into a fierce look. My lip twitched a bit and my vision glitched, blue and red. In a moment, I grabbed the knife about to fall from his left pocket and stabbed his neck. He fell down with a thud and blood started to pool around him.

“Good job.”

I smirked, my eyes flashing with craze. I no longer felt weak and helpless. I absolutely loved this new energy and excitement.

But I wasn’t aware that I had actually lost my mind. All of it because of one person. If only I had heard that girl in the rain, begging me to believe her. But now, I had lost my sanity.

I stepped out through the door leaving his corpse all alone.

When I got out, I found myself on an unidentified street. I realized that I had actually been inside a sort of tent in between the trees. I didn’t know where I was or where I had to go but I kept walking…soaked in blood, carrying a knife in my hand along with a wicked smile. Yes, I definitely look like a crazy man who had broken out of an asylum. I could see people staring at me in horror and murmuring among themselves.

“Who is he? He looks miserable.”

“What’s with all the blood?”

I didn’t care. I just wanted to find Jane right now but I was unaware of my location.

I didn’t even notice that it was night. A crimson moon shone bright above me.

While walking, I saw a familiar face a few miles away from me. It was her…that mystery girl with a blank face. I increased my pace till I stood in front of her. 

“She can be of help. Don’t let her go.”  

Chris: Why are you here?

“Chris, why do you look like this? What’s all this blood?”

As she raised her hand to wipe blood off my lips, I held her wrist.

Chris: How did you find me?

“Is that so important to you now? The Jane you know, is responsible for your condition right now. Her care and concern is a big trap in which you easily got caught. All of it is just an illusion.”

“She is lying. Pay no attention to this gibberish. Only believe yourself and me.”

I heard her and was ready to believe her.

I let out a little laugh.

Chris: Is it, really? Then why don’t you tell me why would she do so?

“You’ll regret not listening to me.”

Chris: Is that a threat?

“A warning. Come with me, I’ll help you treat your wounds.”

“Go with her. Use her as much as you can.”

Chris: Fine, lead the way.

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