

Right by the window
The skies were bright, they grew dark and now are bright again ,
I have sat right by the window watching ,watching ,watching
I haven't moved, not even an inch , not at all

I haven't sniveled ,shivered ,not even blinked once
My eyes were bloodshot , but my cheeks were never wet
A maelstrom could've passed right in front of my me ,
And I wouldn’t have known

It's not that i deliberately didn't want to move
I just couldn't bring myself to
I felt as though there was no reason for me to
So I sat and I stared and stared and stared,
So long I forgot the question I was searching the answer for

Soon the skies would turn dark again ,
But it made no difference,
I couldn't feel the light even if it was here
Atleast in the dark , I didn't have to hide my bilndness
So long , so still
I might as well have been the window or the wall

The one thing I was waiting for , when the ceiling would fall ?
Would it feel different then , or would there be no more a 'me' to feel ?
Was that the question from the start ?
Why does it feel like the answer in the end ?

The skies are becoming bright again
A beginning of a new day
But I am still sitting right there
I am still watching it all from afar the same way

Soon the skies would be dark again
But here in this mad masauleum it would be the same

( for those insomniacs with exitential feels who stay up from sunset still sunrise )

© myrottenpoetry_13