

My lover,The killer
My lover,The killer...
I must avenge!
By:Authoress Pearla❤❤
°~°~°~°Not Edited ~°~°~°
Episode 2.
**Ariana's P🔥V**
I opened my eyes slowly touching my head....
"Alexandro....why can't you wake me this morning am sure it's getting late''i murmured sleepily.....I opened my eyes fully and realised my environment....white wall....white curtain and a young lady beside my bed on white!.....Am in an Hospital!.....I wanted to stand up but the nurse stopped me telling me to get enough rest.
My dad...yeah dad and the twins....
"What happened last night wasn't real right?I questioned madly....
"Calm down....this your fourth day here so I don't know what you are talking about''the nurse shunned me rather rudely.
I remembered what happened that night....my dad....Alexandra....Alexandra. ....are dead!what!!! I screamed and forcefully remove the drip in my hand.
"Nooooooo!!!!!''i shouted not minding the blood dripping from my hand.
Then a man in white came in....I assumed him to be the Doctor. He held me tight and pulled me into a warm hug....."stop crying dear''he consoled.
I stared at him....he is enough to be my dad....oh my sweet dad....my sweet twins....I cried silently......
Am gonna pay the person who did this with a horrible death.🔥
He is gonna beg for mercy.🔥
Am gonna make life miserable for him🔥......but I couldn't see his face....he was putting on mask....but that tattoo....oh yeah.....I said through clenched teeth😈😈

Authoress pearla.
Don't be surprised if you find this story on Facebook,it is written by me.
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