

Dreams of a Girl
When I was growing up, I was like any other child that dreams and my imagination is where I lived. One of my fondest memories was getting up on Saturday, my grandmother and my aunts would prepare breakfast. I could hear the sizzle of the bacon cooking, the smell of fresh homemade biscuits and every kind of juice and coffee.

There was something that was tantalizing about it, I look forward to have that time with my family over breakfast. Afterwards I would help out in the kitchen cleaning up then it was adventure time for me. I enjoyed playing outside digging in the dirt pretending to be an Archeologist and looking to discover some fascinating artifact, I use pretend to be a teacher and make lesson plans, and my favorite was when I Lawyer, I would always study my uncles law books, I can't believe I had such high hopes and believed that I could achieve and excel above all odds.

One day it all came crashing down in 1994, when my father died at 1pm. I will never forget. From that moment my life just spiraled out of control and no safety net. Sometimes I think that if I would have had a strong support system I would have made it. I guess I would just say no matter what happens never let your dreams go and believe in yourself. Even as an adult some days the pain is so real but I have to remind myself that those days don't exist anymore and now allow myself to continue to heal and go forward with the strength.

I'm thankful that God was by my side because death has walked around me more than once. Today I'm simply thankful and it's a reminder to myself that I will accomplish what my heart desires. I don't want to leave a legacy of hurt and pain but of something that my family will be proud of.