

I am John Mark: Behold, the Man
"Allah Forbid it! To be Raised as Dust from the Earth unto its Shame. Shall we not be Resurrected back to Earth?"

"And He Wept. Stretching forth His Arms, He cried out. 'Brother, come Forth!' Wrapped in Death Garbs, he Exited His Grave."


A #WRITCO Series




Everyone is Borne at a Certain Time, for a Certain Purpose, and as a Witness to a Certain People.

It is Inevitable.

My Calling was not Guided by my own Hand. I was but a Young Man.

My duties then were to Slay any Proselytes, Acolytes, Dissenters, Detractors; anyone who taught contrary to the Holy Texts.

I was a Zealot!

Now, my Sword too stood Hungry for the Blood of the Roman Guard and all those who would stand in the Way of our Freedom; even if they be Countrymen. I took the Oath, sealed in Blood, Sanctioned by Simon Himself, and our Appointed Messiah, Barabbas.

My Mark was on my Forehead and Right Palm.

But there was One Man of Extraordinary Charisma and Character. He taught EVERYTHING contrary to the Holy Text, according to what 'we' Believed.

God Forbid to say it was Evil!

It was a Different Perspective. He taught PEACE.

"Peace?" We thought. We were a troubled people, subjected to servitude by the Scourge of the Earth; the Romans. And we Believed the Voice of God called us as Moses's Descendants, the Levites, to Free our Nation. For the Spirit of Josiah ran throughout our Veins, Clouding our Minds beyond the 'Why or Reason.'

We simply Followed Simon's Orders.

But that all Changed one day.

Still a Zealot, Simon (later called Peter) became one of His Followers.

They Termed it a Disciple.

But Simon never Truly gave into the Belief He was 'Our' Messiah. But the Proverbial 'World Savior.'

We needed not a King, nor Ruler, nor a Humanitarian. We wanted a Messiah who would Free us from our Bonds. So as much as I had Adored His Miracles, still I slighted His Charge, and Cursed often His Words to the People, and to Us.

AND WOULD YOU BELIEVE? In His Youth, He was counted as 'One' of Us?

Yes, this Nazarene was indeed an Essene. They taught Him the Secret Art of Manifestation, Divine Healing, even Raising of the Dead. And He took that Knowledge to its Apex, leading the People to believe a god walked among them.

I was hesitant, as were many of us.

Simon instructed us that we were to say nothing against this Man; neither now, nor after. Because He too believed this Nazarene was the Son of God; and as a Good Soldier, we obeyed.

So I stood amongst the Crowded Field as He Called out:

"Lazarus! Come Forth!"

And still in Swaddling Cloths, Wrapped in his Death Shroud, this sickly corpse walked forth from among the Dead!

I purged myself, the Rot was so prevalent. It was a very Unholy thing to do, bringing back to this Earth a Tainted Carcass, being Four Days in the Heart of the Earth.

He then instructed 'us', the Essenes, to feed this Monster, restoring his putrid flesh. For only we knew the Rituals.

I was the one chosen to Bathe and attend to his Sores; which after Four Days was plenteous. Never a day went by, until he was recovered, did I not Purge my Innards. In fact, I found Fasting during this Period much more Conducive.

Plus too, Consorting with the Dead meant my Daily Prayers were cut short. For not till Even was I considered Clean, as was Written in Moses' Law.

I spited the son of man for this a long time, and Questioned the intent of Simon Peter since that moment. I had somehow felt betrayed by my mentor, that he too may have Followed a devil. And though I had Respect for him from a distance, I no longer drew close to him any longer.

And too I had come to the Conclusion, neither of them would be our Messiah.

Heaven Forbid!

But there was Barabbas.

(The Chronicles of Mark)


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© I Am MichAel