

Child Students Talk(continued..)
Alice,Abner, Aaric were in the same class.
There exam was just 2 months behind,from where war in every house began.
‘No tv,no games,no chit chat with friends unless talking about studies and no need to attend your cousins wedding.’Aaric's Mom told.
‘You will not get your guitar if you scored less than 80%’Abner's father said while scolding him.
‘Last time Deepti's daughter scored 96.5% while you just scored 95%.Make sure this should not repeat.’Alice's mother was also not behind in the race like other parents.
Poor children who were not studying for studying,they were just studying to score marks because children thought that they may only get love from there parents by scoring the demanding marks because then only Alice's mother will be happy from her,Abner will be given little freedom to follow his own passion for music, and maybe Aaric will be asked that ‘Is there anything which was hard for you to study?Did you need any help?’ instead of ‘Why always you score so less?’
Parents thought that children always play and don't want to study.
All the students started with there studies,not because they want to study because they were in fear of there parents.
Abner the naughtiest boy who never want books infront of him was studying to get his guitar.
It's good that if they were successful in fulfilling the demands but the question is if they failed to fulfill,then what will happen?
Will the parents punish them?
In every one hour a student commits sucide in India,28 cases are reported every day.
Dear Parents instead of getting after the marks,let them know that you'll love them even if they fail in the exam.
Support them to follow there passion.
Today's generation needs parents as friends not parents as instructors. Tell them the time when you made mistakes and laugh with them.Instead asking them to study,ask them questions like ‘I wonder how day and night are caused?’ like you are curious to know.Then only your child will be curious to learn and explain you and take interest.Instead of scolding for using mobile phone,let them learn about time management.
Make them comfortable to talk to you.And if they fail help them to start again with courage.
There are many people in the world you were failure's but were happy in future and there names are taken after years also and there people in the world who were topper's in the school but were never happy and people forgot them ones they died.
Decide what you want your young ones to be!!

© Beauty writes