

The Hard Time
Each day is very difficult for me, only 1 hour for enjoyment in a day.
No one can understand my feelings. I wake up at 4:30AM and go to cycling till 6:30AM, No time to rest, No time to Play. 7:00AM to 9:30AM is my tuition and a bad illusion for me that 10:00AM to 2:00PM classes, Illusions run in my mind, Headache occurs but, these classes are suckers 😫 Not enough time to eat. 2:40PM to 5:00 AM that is 'MATHEMATICS' but still good at this task No time to go home So 5:00PM to 7:30PM The class in which i get depressed is 'SCIENCE CLASS' The most Difficult and Mind Sucking class As i told only 1 hour for playing so 7:40OM to 8:30PM or 8:20PM 'The time of Relaxation🤤' In which i can even play..... Now the darkness occurs around me 9:00PM i go for sleep 😪 { This is not in my real life😅Its not true, I have only written this story to inspire others How a single second is precious } Please Like this Story and Follow Me🙏 Thank you🤗