

Love Yourself Enough To Walk Away
Love yourself enough to let them go.
To say 'no' when they are asking for too much.To stick up for yourself.To demand your right.To assert it.To stop giving and giving without asking for anything in return.Love yourself enough to put yourself first.To stop letting people walk all over you. To say what you feel with your head held high and your shoulders wide. With no fear for what they'll think because you have nothing to shy away from. Love yourself enough to accept your truths.Your shortcomings.Your scars. To embrace imperfections and find strength in all your vulnerabilities. Love yourself enough to wait for the love you deserve. To remove any thoughts of 'settling' on your mind.To understand that the love you deserve _ you will receive. To accept the truth that it hasn't worked out with anyone because they weren't the right one for you.To know with certainty,that someone will come along and teach you how to spill self love into all your cracks,someone will come along and show you how whole you were,how much you don't need them or anyone else to be happy,how invaluable you are.How imperfectly perfect you are.
Love yourself enough to walk away.Please,do it for you.Love yourself enough to walk away.