

How amazing it would have been if our world resembled the disney land fantasy stories... a reality like you and me! Animals talking, flowers moving, buses flying, an era of fairies and magic to assist us, warding off enemies just by a single punch and only happiness and contentment all around.

Life now is no more black and white. Its no more the case of the tortoise and the rabbit story where, the tortoise though slow emerged to bag the trophy of the race. Today, slow means be prepared to be a loser, to be overriden by people behind, to crush your dreams as we the digitized generation rely on speed, our need of the hour. We no more have the patience of sitting in the crowd when we are aware that others might be working on plan B,C,D etc to stand out.

We believe in instant actions and the fact that even a single second is too tempting to be lost. A slight internet impediment is peeving. Quickly responding messages, instant access to emails, speedy sharing of photographs and data, easy access to people, places, knowledge everything we see around are our daily chores. Not just this robotics and artificial intelligence are so strong advancements in the field of science that they are being looked down as lucrative competition for manual work and even have the capability to replace humans in the coming future.

But, maybe its time now for all of us to venture for tranquility. Instead of the principle of 'living life' how about making it 'living every moment of life'. This incorporates striving for our hunger of making technological discoveries but also getting time enough to sit back, acknowledge and enjoying it rather than thinking of our next software update or the patch upgrade.

Its thinking about a higher vision of life. We DIGI PEOPLE need to realize that technology is there to make our existence easy and not to sway us away from our souls. They are just a part of our lives and should not be given the control to take over our entire lives.

It might be an adorable fancy to have the cartoon world turn real but maybe it's one component has a cent percent chance to be there .... aspect that deep down we all yearn for.....
the aspect of ECSTACY!!