

To my teenage self
I can't quite remember you soo well but i can try to.You were shy but smart..lively, happy and innocent that's the most i can remember about you.If I was given a chance to go back..I would guard your heart I would work of self worth and self esteem..I would work on being me soo much. now I'm an adult. How did i get here though..i have gone through soo many heartbreaks that I once lost myself. why dont I give myself time to heal.i guess probably its cause i dont know how to heal.How can i give myself time to do something that i know nothing about.How did i get here where I'm 50%numb and 50% alive . sometimes i just want to sleep all night and all day ...sometimes i want to go back to my teenage self and change to who I was then...soon I'll be a mum..but i dont even know where to start cause its never been this hard for me...Dear teenage self..I wish i could have saved you.
© thephile97