

Between Worlds
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do you run the opposite way or face your fears?
For some unknown reasons, I always felt a negative energy around elevators and would rather use the stairs no matter how far I'll have to climb, maybe because I've had series of dreams about elevators especially getting stuck in them with a particular lady or I was just being paranoid and imagining things. I was working on a project and needed to spend extra hours in school, by the time I finished, it was already dark, I was so tired that I couldn't use the stairs, I just needed to get to the last floor fast, "Well, obviously I guess this is where I'll have to face my fears" I said to myself as I stepped into the elevator. I met a lady inside, I'd never seen her in the school before, she was weird looking and had a smile that almost extends to her ears, she spoke to me and I answered, "you like to play?" she asked, in a childish tone, and I replied in the affirmative. She suddenly stopped the elevator and stepped out, giving me an uncomfortable look, I continued my journey in the elevator down to the last floor, "finally!" I said, but before I could step out, I felt it moving upwards again, suddenly it stopped and this lady walked in "what?!" I said in surprise "don't you like to play?" she asked, still grinning, and before I could answer, she was gone. "pheeew! That's weird" I managed to say amidst the panic. I finally got home and took a shower, and then retired to my bed.
Soon, I began to loose sight of the natural world, It felt like an astral projection, this is the reality; my spirit had separated from my body, though I didn't loose consciousness of my sorrounding I knew deep down I was in an unnatural environment... I looked down at what seemed like a lifeless clay perfectly sculpted by the most gifted of all potters, it looked angelic and for the first time I realized what a beauty I was. Just then, mummy opened the door and saw that I was sleeping, she silently blew me a kiss and tiptoed out of the room in order not to wake me up. If only she knew how badly I needed to wake up..
I could hear a faint laughter from behind me but as I turned to look I could see a lady sitting close to the fire place, sobbing. I walked towards her hypnotic ally and as I got closer, she raised up her head and let out a devilish smile as if to scare me. I could recognize her as the lady from the elevator. Her face was pale white with red lips and blood shot eyes, she had long fingers with needle-like nails, I drifted backwards, terrified. She walked towards me in the most cunning way, suddenly she stopped and began to sob. She kept on calling my name softly and then intensified her tone while pointing her hands towards me. Don't you like to play? She asked, blood oozed out from her eyes "play with me" she said, as she hastened towards me. I placed my hands on both my ears and screamed, then I woke up and saw that it was a dream, "are you okay" I heard my mom say, when I looked up, I saw that it wasn't my mom but the elevator lady. I closed my eyes again and screamed "mummy!" Just then I felt a soft pat on my shoulders, and then on my legs, and then it felt like someone was forcing my eyes to open. I did open my eyes and saw mummy staring right at me, I jolted back in panic, "another nightmare?" she asked. "I keep seeing her mom, it looks so real" I said, with beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. I knew I wasn't sleeping, I wasn't awake either, maybe just lost between worlds. But the doctor said, I had a sleep paralysis. The next day in school, I saw this lady, she spoke to me but I did not answer, she then gave me a stern look and walked away.
© OtitiLizzy