

A Different Perspective
Man must understand his divine nature. To do this he must understand his Trinity.. An these words that I offer to you.
1-Love thy self ‐‐-----------holy spirit
2-Love thy other self -----------the son
3-Love thy creator self‐-----the father
Thy other self- This is everything else in existence that you considers separate from yourself. But it is only the illusion of separation. If someone weeps, do you not feel there sadness.
Thy creator self - Your essence sprang from the creator an his love. You will always be apart of him. In you his divine glory dwells.
This is the Trinity but one must love all 3 equally. Loving thy self startes with forgiving thy self. Sometimes it's not easy to do these things, I know I struggle myself. I promise you if you believe in the light it will guide you. This will strengthen you to overcome fear.. Fear nothing, for that which you fear steals your power an grows stronger. Do not feed that which you do not want in your life. Worry is a form of fear an it will manifest that which causes you your worries. The creator did not give you fear, This was the hand of evil to blind an cunfuse man . When you start to worry an fear, think of the love an light of the creator. I say to you have no fear, turn that fear into love for all that is the creator an youself. How can you fear that which you love.Do this an you shall never know that fear again.An you will forever walk in the light. You are a divine spark from that which created an governs all things. Know that you are loved an never alone. For your divine light will always shine. Look at everything around you, an know it is only a different aspect of youself. One mind one thought one creation multiple perspectives. Which are all part of the creation an love is the only ultimate truth. For love is the spark that started the wheels of creation. May the love an light of the one infinite creator guide you on your journey.

PS:All pictures are mine an were taken at my home in Kentucky. They May not relate to what I write but they are cool an I have no ideal why I have all these things around me.

BY: Tom T Shrout
© TomT