

The Birthday Gift
#WritcoStoryPrompt51 #CovidStories
2020 and 2021

The New Year came in a flash, but unlike the previous years, this year was different for Mr. Qureshi. He gathered all his experiences and decided to take five New Year resolutions. This was the task, which for him, was mandatory and of utmost priority. As Mr. Qureshi skipped from a private company job to a government job he became insincere. This insincerity he thought, took to its peak. A series of thoughts knocked his brain, which couldn't be grouped into five resolutions and so he preferred to empty the shouts of his whispering mind in his diary.
“Dad you started smoking again”. Mr. Qureshi gave an instant jerk to his body as if he came out of a momentary trance.
“Diya, you are still awake.” As he spoke, he tried to hide the cigarette giving a false faded smile.
“It's not fair Dad,”
“Sorry dear, I will quit it, I have noted it as one of my New Year's resolutions”. Diya looked at his face and spoke in a low voice,
“There are more resolutions to be fulfilled than quitting it, without which the house will not gain life. Mr. Qureshi threw the cigarette bud and felt the loneliness after Diya left the room. He took a deep sigh and murmured, “Diya has not forgiven me still”. Slowly and silently night crept and the house became silent where happiness seldom peeps.

“Diya, wherever you are, please come back”, was written in a pink leaflet when Mr. Qureshi turned the pages of Next Horizon’s latest issue. Below the lines, a photograph of a 12-year child was displayed. Mr. Qureshi was shocked when he saw the photograph. It was Diya’s photo. He immediately shuffled the pages of the magazine and took the editor’s number.
“How dare you give such an advertisement in a popular magazine?” Mr. Qureshi shouted on the phone.
“Who gave the advertisement, my daughter is with me. Today is her birthday, you rascal”. The person on the other side was silent. Mr. Qureshi continued shouting to get a response but didn't get any. The incidents shook Mr. Qureshi from tip to toe.
“Good morning Papa. You didn't wish me? Today I have turned 25”. Mr. Qureshi woke up and took a deep sigh, wishing her a very happy birthday.
“Dad, where my gift is and why you are so worried at the beginning of the day”. Mr. Qureshi tried to recall the dream and realized that someone else is feeling the absence of Diya.
“Come Diya, today I will give you the greatest gift you ever thought of”. Both of them went on their Chevrolet Spark to an unknown destination.
“Dad, where are we going?” Mr. Qureshi remained silent on the way and finally, the car stopped.
Tears roll down Diya's cheeks.
“Dad, you forgot the past! Mom will be with us once again. Thank you so much, Dad, it is the best gift for me”.
“Mom, Mom” Diya rushed into the campus. Mr. Qureshi took a quick race to pace up with Diya.
“No Sir, you can’t go inside. You know, the present time is not in our favor. I hope you know the humanized imbalance which is not letting anybody move freely”, spoke the guard at the front door.
“I know Sir, but my child Diya, she needs her mother”.
“But she is a young girl, at least for these days of restriction, she can’t meet her. It’s a protocol for the pandemic”, replied the guard strictly. For some time Mr. Qureshi stood dumbstruck and suddenly shouted,
“Who will help Diya in wearing her clothes? Who will help her in cleaning her body? She is still a child. Oh, God! Why am I her father not her mother, why she is in the quarantine center, not me?
Oh, God! Mr. Qureshi took a deep sigh, lit a cigarette, and prepared himself to face his beloved, Diya's beloved, his wife. But parallel he wondered will this ever happen!

© Chinmoy