

The stages of spiritual changes
Chapter 3
This chapter begins the road ahead of you; Let me ask you, have you ever tried to change on your own? I used to do it all the time and found myself in hell and hot water (kind of where I'm at). I said I was going to stop using drugs and alcohol after this last time, but I'm still not clean or sober. It's not funny any more and I pray to God to once again to get me out of the situation I'm in. I can only smile at my ignorance but I accept this as my truth and the way I lived got control over the things I'm doing, just not pursuing. I do not like this about myself and I see me as being weak How is it that I don't care enough to stop doing what I'm doing? Here is where I stop making excuses as to why I'm doing these things or try to cover up how it has me cornered, no more justifying. Regardless I'm here now the same as you, at the road ahead of you and there is no turning back. You too are probably wondering what life going to be like now. Alot of my past came with excitement and pleasure at its finest but overall it lead me to a dead end,, now what? Picture yourself in 5 years from now with the spiritual new way to live, how would it be? In the past I was caught up in dysfunctional relationships and my thinking was not of a spiritual nature. I didn't know better to do better and even went from worse to worse going down the rabbit hole ending up in hell, a life I created spiritually undisciplined. You probably thinking how lNow as you seek the help of this book as a spiritual Muse you will no longer be deprived. You know you are ready and this is only the beginning of your lifelong spiritual journey to the changes that will occur. Realize the change that has already took place in your life and the lives of those around you. Move forward with spiritual motivation to do whatever you got to do. You know the difference between right and wrong so don't be fooled like I was into thinking I could do certain things sociability or just once in a while ( don't believe the hype). This is the turning point in your life. You've admitted whatever it is that you've admitted as being what caused you hurt, harm and hindrance, correct? Time to take a step further and realize how much you have to be thankful for. What you have to gain now is spiritual common sense to encourage yourself as well as others. You good now that you got the proper spiritual wisdom and knowledge in order for you to Move In New Directions Spiritually continuously. daily use your spiritual common sense to make sense of it all. Look back on your history to solve your mystery. you have to be willing to change your old behaviors, attitudes, the way you use to do things. Self-identify from your old self to your new spiritual self . You're going to have to do things that's expected and/or required of you. There's nowhere around the selfless dedication you'll have to have. I'll say this again your best bet will be to find a group of people that you can vibe with, who have your best interest at heart, someone you can talk to for more support Etc. I know from experience this is a very important thing to have in your life. This way when your thoughts come up against you, you'll have others to help talk you up and or talk you down; depending on the situation at hand. Know what the next best course of action will be for you to take. Do not waste your time and or energy for things that have no spiritual value and or potential to do good. Stay in the process of helping other people everyday instead of hurting other people everyday.
Focus on what you're actually learning in your daily activities. You'll see what you have been missing out on. The process of getting to know how to truly live life is what you make of it. one of the great perks is that you see yourself in other people's shoes. You see what you have in common with others
This helps you to have better relationships and ways to treat each other. If you know there is a certain things you should do and or tell someone and you don't, their blood will be on you. the next spiritual key point I have for you is it's been known doing something on a constant basis forms a habit. Uou want to form some spiritual healthy habits that will cater to who you are. What are you doing today that is supporting the spiritual museum of you? I personally use reverse psychology on myself and it works out. You deserve a new spiritual way to live while increasing your spiritual awareness of self. You're also gaining new spiritual skills, personal qualities, behaviors, abilities; physically mentally and spiritually. you know you better than anyone else so learn from your own experiences. you want to stay in spiritual fit good condition building up your spiritual self. Another big thing I suggest is to get a schedule that works for you, idle time is just that... If you know that you have issues with certain things or behaviors and or people, it will be wise not to go and or be around those people, places or things. Old behavior and going around certain people, places or things triggers what your avoiding. Just watch out and be careful with that. Once you're on a fixed schedule it will become your normal routine. Yesterday's are gone, today is in active motion. Go with the flow and remember what you know whole continuing to grow. Increase your spiritual conscience by what you read, watch, do, think, what you feel, say, taste or even touch. pay close attention to these things or these things will pay attention to you. Your conduct and attitude towards yourself and others especially emotionally is necessary for you to identify your feelings in a spiritual productive way. As well as how you express/conduct yourself in stressful situation; such as family issues, mental health problems, health issues, death, relationship problems Ect... Moving In New Directions Spiritually is a spiritual method for changing human behaviors by what you think, say, feel, and do. Reach out to different people, places and things and ask for the necessary help that you need to better yourself. You are the star player in your life, so your best performance is needed. Serve as the role model and person that you would admire or look up to. What you can do for yourself should be done and not complained about. Remember you are a big part of why you are the way you are, however you are. Like I expressed already I believe we're spiritually sick people who need spiritual help to manage the damage that's been done. This book is spiritual ground breaking news (New Enlightment Written Spiritually).
I challenge you to daily learn as much as you can about yourself and the spiritual realm around you. What are some of the things you've discovered so far? There is no right or wrong answer. Your answer is your personal mind set, your beliefs. Nobody can live your life for you, so nobody can think for you either. Yes you can take suggestions and/or advice from others but ultimately it's up to you. The main thing is be comfortable within yourself in a way to believe spiritually. Stay focused on right conduct and right ways of living. I definitely know how the mind thinks. This is why I strongly suggest you find activities to fill up your day. Be spiritually sociable with others that you want to be influenced by. It's better to believie in what you see fit for yourself. I can assist you with methods that will empower you in the process of your labor and delivery. You stand to gain confidence in yourself spiritually, as well as the world around you.. Lead by example in your word and your deed. Practice what you preach, what you teach and what you seek. You should be excited about creating your own way to live thatworks for you, What I one start wasn't possible it's very much impossible. Give yourself a chance to get yourself together with positive affirmation. It's only the beginning of what's to come. Your life is seriously what you make it.
I believe that this is not our only existence and we must undo the damage that we already done. We all gonna die, I believe in the afterlife. Now is the time to undo the damage that was done before we move on from here. I also believe that what we do now will determine our next phase (as far as the afterlife). Things get better in age as long as that's what you believe. Recreation is done in the here and now. I can tell you of a complex narrative that emphasizes the importance of life, it's all apart of the process. We each have our lifelong journey from birth to our death and on to our rebirth not on this Earth. We each have a life cycle so your steps are critical, they tell the story of your life. Using your mind in a spiritual way of thinking will help you day today. Put your life cycle in context spiritually by speaking from your own experiences. Your life is in your hands and should give you a much needed perception as well as perspective. This is your huge start, leadership, hard work, courage and integrity qualities you should have. you might not have all that you want, it's up to you to getwhat you need. Continue to build yourself up with higher level of spiritual understanding. You are the creator of who you are; why not make a best seller book or even a movie of your life. Where do you go from here and what will you do now? Take a moment and truly reflect on what's being asked of you...
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie