

Prediction Come, Prediction Go
When did the world begin to bite back? The answers recorded are not those who are woefully true. From the dawn of mankind this world was doomed. Watching on from the shadows as one beautiful creation soon became the true pandemic. Born into innocence they are, how could creation be so wrong? China 224 B.C.E began the first attack of nature virus it's only enemy, mankind. Then came the rise in 1541 A.D. with what became most popularly known as 'The Plauge of Justinian', becoming the first full force attack. This was an attempt to show mankind the error in their ways, yet still they fail. This strongly effected the Byzantine Empire, more specifically the Capitol Constantinople. If this is starting to sound familiar than there may be hope yet. Death tolls rapidly reaching 25 million and the economy came to a roaring crash effecting now the Sasanian Empire and port cities around the Mediterranean Sea. Soon soaring to 100 million deaths, nearly half of all Europe's population was wiped from existence. This cycle has continued through out history, but this time I fear it may be too late. Please show the earth the respect she deserves. l
Less you head my warning I fear for the future of this once beautiful planet and all of its creatures.