

A Lady
I'm lucky to found you,
I'm who writing my first blog about a lady who is inspiration for all world.
It's everywhere around the glob, infact all home's are incomplete without you.

Let's start from the beginning of life,
she born in medium family and she was the elder one now she has a younger sister and brother. When she was in school time in just eighth standard after study she had to go home to home for selling pastile and tea leaf,(like marketing) Cause of her siblings are so young and had to feed them and paid for school fees as well.

And,afrer 12th class she gone through hard work for her family. Cause she had a job and also a college. So morning have to go college after 1 to 2 hour college day leave the rest of the classes for job. She barely study in college for secure her job. That's the sacrificed for her life no enjoyment in her childhood to adult life journey even in a night she had to do homework and house chores. And, that's filling a lady who did all dedication to study all night home few hour of sleeping and then start again next day like that couldn't get enough rest in a day no enjoyment or entertainment in her life.

All is why and why she did all effort from where she got that motivation everyday you know just one inspiration and it's you know very well my friend, A another lady
Is her Mom. You just have to do,
"What's your mom life" &
"What do you do for your mom comfort".
That's two thinking when you go work at morning every single day of your life.
It's life changing for lady.

Do respects, love and happiness for all your lady💚 it's a success to your life.
Thank you.