

Butterflies don't live long.
A mother butterfly lay eggs,
after three days eggs starts to hatch,
the new born caterpillar ate it's on egg shells for to grow after it they starts to eat leafs to grow, less than a week they turned out into a quiet metaphor it takes three weeks for a metaphor to turn up into a beautiful, sensitive butterfly... what do you think till how long do butterflies live? I don't know but I don't like the fact that they don't live long they can't even live for a half year some butterfly species live for only for five months.
We humans believe our lives are too hard but the beautiful butterflies who can't even can see their own beauty their own beautiful wings got a more hard life than us, every creature got there own pain and misery, this is sad but it's true it's the truth of our nature.
Sometimes it makes me think that it's God who made our end... one day our earth will destroy and will get spread in little particles into atoms and will recreate itself the way it did for the first time, all the atoms will gather again together and will form a new world.
Hate yourself, Love yourself... you need yourself.. until the very end.
© sparkling light