

When You Face The Inevitable.
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?
We all have dreams and aspirations.. and as it goes, no one would pray for negativity.
But sometimes it does happen!
I remember vividly, when I was in my 30's. Prescisely 32,
I had our wedding plans seriously underway.
Then from the blues.....Our Department In The Company, Is Being Scrapped!!
I work with a leading automobile Company. And I was an internal security staff. meaning that the over 27 People with families, have to go home!!!!
Of course, I was affected!
my wedding was also underway..! what would you have done?
I simply went ahead with our wedding, as if nothing is happening!
A month after our wedding; it exploded in our faces! A terse 3 lines missive, was all it took to convey to us that " Our Services Are No Longer Required"!
Friends were there, but not all of them were being helpful. Some are outrightly blaming my Beautiful Loving Wife; Victoria as "a vehicle of misfortune"..!
The pressure was on and much!
Would I cave in? Cave in to what? To PRESSURE from so-called friends, advising me to ditch my newly wedded wife!
While Some said I was too young to Get married, others say I am getting married way too late! Imagine! Others Said I should have gone back home to pick a wife, the list of baseless reasons were endless!
In all, I refuse to bulge, not even a hair breath! I rather, found out how I could get back on my feet, FINANCIALLY!
I took to odd jobs.. after we moved to a new area, since we couldn't cope with our current rent. Construction sites, loading/offloading bays..etc.. were my hubs!
I didn't give up! I didn't start with that! I let where I want to Position the family, With God's help, my priority, my sole and soul focus!
And Today, having gone through hell and back; I can mentor, coach people, who find themselves in situations like mine, some 18years ago!( can you guess my age from the story?; just fun!)
My Advice; stick close to God; He will help you choose wise and better friends! Stick to the good friends you find. If you can't find any, enjoy your solitude! engage in upbuilding activities, when you find yourself alone!
don't let disappointments, bring you down to the "ruts".
And never forget any lesson (s) you learn from any tough situation!


The Panther 🐅