

Seperate Soulmates
It's been 8 months since you left. There was no goodbye, no final glance, nothing. It was so sudden. Overnight you went from being the main character in my story to being someone I might never see again. I was hurt and heartbroken, but eventually I learned to live without you. I finally stopped hoping for your return and somehow managed to move on. I was okay. Until today.
When I saw your name on my phone, I was paralyzed. Why on earth would you do that? You were always big on sending me signs in secrecy. But I thought we were past that stage. I believed you were enjoying your life and not wasting a single thought on me. That you've moved on with your girl and marry her someday. This was the only reason I could let you go. You were supposed to be happy - with her. You. Chose. Her. Over. Me.
So why do you want me to know that I am on your mind? Why mess with my feelings like that? If you want me, you should've said it a long time ago, back in time, when we had the chance. Now you've got to live with the choice you've made.
I always knew that she isn't the one for you. Even though you might love her sincerely, she was never the girl you heart longed for. In a crowded room, when you stood next to her, your eyes searched for mine. And when they found each other, the world stood still for an instant. There are no words to describe the feeling you gave me, but I guess magic sums it up best. We were connected from the moment we met and while looking in your beautiful eyes for the first time, I knew, that I had found my soulmate. You cannot deny a feeling like this. You will remember it forever and no other love will ever be able to compare. Therefore I don't wonder why I am still on your mind. I wonder why you chose her in the first place, when you knew I'd linger in the depth of your heart, just like you linger in mine. There is no amount of time or distance that would make me forget about you. I believe we are soulmates, but somehow we failed at acting like such.
You are the one I want.
So if I have to, I'd wait forever for you to come back to me.

© JoeyK