

Found Something I wrote long ago...
"Dad! Dad!"

Little Feng?

His sight was hazy, a blurry image of a tear-stricken face of his son made him semi-conscious of his situation.

what happened? oh right now i remember

Zhang Feng was trembling, crying and struggling to see through his tears as he punched in the numbers into his phone.

"Xiao Feng?"

His great-grandfather's old but stern voice came tumbling through the speakers and Zhang Feng choked on tears.

"Grandpa...I.." he hiccuped and wiped his snotty nose before returning his hand to clutch his father's bloody one.

"Xiao Feng? Calm down, tell me what happened why are you crying?" Old Man Zhang brows knitted in concern.

"Grandpa, I've called them...it's been an hour they are not here yet and i don't know what to do.." another hiccup ruptured from his throat.

Staring down at his dazed, bloody father who kept taking shallow breaths. Zhang Feng's whole body shuddered in panic.

"Dad, please hold on please.." he whispered desperately to his semi-conscious father

The side of Zhang Wei's lips lifted slightly in a pained smile just to reassure his panicked son. Zhang Wei didn't want to die, he was only 35, barely an age to die. But his body as already failed him, only the unwillingness to die kept him on his last breath. He could feel his broken ribs with every breath he took. He listened to Xiao Feng stutter to his grandfather the situation and he couldn't tell when last since he found his lost family he had heard his grandfather's stern voice break with fear and panic.

His fingers were stiff and was a pain to move but he bore with it and reached up to his Zhang Fei's face, lightly brushing his fair cheek with his bloody hand. Tears slipped from his eyes, he could hardly see but hearing the heartbroken cries made his heart hurt. He didn't know how long he laid there, all he remembered was jumping to save a baby boy from being crushed by a car.

The driver didn't to see the extent of his damage and the mother and son had ran away with his bag. Only his son on that lonely desolate road crouched there with him crying hysterically and calling who ever who could after the ambulance failed to turn up. He had come to this town for some rest. Life was boring as it always had been since school, but at least a few things where meaningful. Like when he finally got to adopt his little Feng from the orphanage he grew up in.

And when he was able to get in contact with his family after so many years of not knowing them. Even though the travels made him more lonely the peace of seeing all over the world made it ok. He had done many things, telling is transgressions of life and his honest mistakes and sharing the pain of his stupid decisions with readers who loved his stories made a bestselling author. And playing his heart out in a musical piece on a stage in-front of a melancholy audience as a pianist and its was the photographs and paintings that put it all together to make him a legend loved by many.

But yet Zhang Wei wasn't happy and never was and now not even living his life fully or getting to watch his son grow anymore or spend more time with the family he never got to know was his ultimate ending.

Why? Why didn't i do more? why didn't i try harder?

His past years passed slowly before his eyes in a languid slideshow and Zhang Wei wished he had lived more. He didn't notice it then but now on death's door he's wishing he had done things a bit differently. The sound of sirens reached his ears and the sigh of relief from his son made him squinted his eyes open. It was all white and it hurt. He looked to his son once more to see that face. He could feel himself slipping, even if he tried to hold more the ambulance was still to late.

Zhang Feng was still young, he could live a life better than he did. so with the last of his remaining strength Zhang Wei told his son with a smile.

"Xiao Feng, listen to me. I want you to live a life with no regrets, be happy and always do what you want to do. Never hesitate to take what you want or do what you want. Take the leap if its necessary, my son you can't run out of time but you can run out of opportunities remember..."

He took he last breath with those words and a smile on his face, he left the world unwillingly but what else could he do? Even if he wanted to, he couldn't reverse time.

I wish i could've changed my life...

"Does host wish to change his life?"

huh!? what's this? isn't supposed to die now who are you now?

"Does host wish to change his life?"

of course i do but who are you?

"Congratulations Host! Your wish has been granted, may you live a prosperous life. Count down to rebirth 10..,9..,8.."

countdown to rebirth? hey what is this!?


hey could you explain!? who are you? a voice . am i going crazy before i die? no no i should be dead.. is that the voice of the grim reaper? ha am i in heaven but it sounds so mechanical...i ..don't know..

"3 seconds till rebirth 3..,..2,...1. Rebirth successful! Time reverse to age 16. Memories uploaded...vitals stable...body functions normal...host is alive and well enjoy your life..system shutdown in 5..4...3...2...1.."

© WarningKoala