

The Horrific Revelation {Part Two}
She arrived later at the house and knocked on the front door, forcing herself to be still and to seem calm. It took everything in her body to make her return home. She knew what she had seen, but she didn't understand it. It would be best if she acts like she never did see it at all, she told herself. When her husband Mike opened the door, she knew she was deceiving herself. Nothing in the world would make her unsee that scene. Quickly making her way inside before he notices her expression -as that was a very good skill her husband had- she took calm and measured steps, trying to seem normal.

"I'm so sorry honey. I took my time. I was actually on the way home but I decided to go to the park, you know to receive some fresh air."

"Naah. It's okay. I'm just coming back home anyway." She was just thinking he was a liar when she noticed what he was wearing. That wasn't what he was wearing the time he murdered Ana. He was dressed casually, in faded blue jeans and a black shirt that did right to showcase the ripped muscles of his arms. What he wore now, made him look like he actually was just coming from the office. He couldn't have known that she saw him - did he? She quickly looked up at him and came in contact with intense grey eyes. Mike's eyes was one of the other things she always loved about him. How it bodered close to silver when he was angry and heated grey when he had other ideas for them in mind. He was looking at her curiously, and she just couldn't remove her eyes from his.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, concern laced in his voice. She dragged her eyes across him and noticed that he was wearing a suit, the normal ones he wore whenever he goes to work. Although his tie was dragged down, and the top button of his short was opened, he appeared to have been wearing that since well, morning.

Emma blamed herself for not waking up early to see what he wore. When he left for work, he kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep, strength to open her eyes failing her. She looked at the man whose face she saw, or taught she saw. Was that a mistake? Had she been seeing things?

"No, I'm alright. Just a little tired." She forced a smile at him.

"Well you better take a shower then to help you relax. I'll try and make dinner." He kissed her forehead and gave her his briefcase which she took without a second thought. The habit had already been so ingrained deeply into her. He removed his suit jacket and tie, and she took them from him to keep in their bedroom. He opened another of his button and rolled up his sleeves, revealing powerful forearms. Mike might have been a lawyer, but he did well to stay in shape. As he went to the kitchen, she made her way upstairs to their bedroom. Something was nagging at her furiously at the back of her head, followed with the fact that she still didn't know what to think about what went down that afternoon.

Embracing that piece of doubt still lingering in her mind, she made her way upstairs to their room and quietly shut the door. She kept quiet for a few seconds before bringing out her phone. She dialled a number.

"Hey Emma what's up?" That was Henry. He was the closest person to mike that she knows. As both of them worked in the same firm, it would be easy to find out what she wanted from him about mike. Trying not to sound so suspicious, she tried appeasing her curiousness by phrasing the question she so wanted answered in another way.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I just wanted to find out if there is anything stressful going on in the office these days. Mike is always coming home tired and whenever I ask him what's up, he just flips it as nothing." Henry chuckled.

"Oh love so sweet. I actually envy you both. Can't help but wish for mine." He paused, then continued.

"Mike is fine. The office really is stressful. We have this huge case we want completed and all hands are on deck. You know how it is." She did know how it is. She was after all, also a lawyer, only that she loved to work independently. She nodded her head as if he could see her.

"Thank you then".

"No problem." He said later then hung up. She remained in silence for a while trying to come to terms with what she had just found out. If Mike had been in the office throughout today, who was it that was at the house?
© Naomi Obasi

P.S this one is a little longer. Got carried away writing. How is it?