

Twenty-one years ago, a mighty dragon dubbed Lucifer was being hunted by dragon hunters. In his youth, he could have taken them, but he knows his age is on him and he needs to hide. Luck, this day, was on his side, for it was the winter equinox. Because on the equinox, when the day and night are the same, he can walk as a human.
He lands in a park and runs to the nearest house. This evening there was a party and he knew if he had booze he would be hidden in the crowd. So, with the hunters hot on his heels he pulled out two bottles and knocked on the door. The party swarmed him, and he saw the hunters run past the house.
After a few hours, he ran into a girl named Stephanie. She was a free-spirited eighteen-year-old girl. She was rebelling and found his charm alluring. They sat and talked and he figured he would have her. He knew he needs to have a successor. That thought led the two of them to an upstairs bedroom.
In the midst of their loving embrace, he realizes she won't remember what they are doing. So, he told her he was a mighty fire dragon and he will leave one of his scales with her. The next morning, she wakes up with a horrible feeling in her stomach. Not a hungover feeling but a warmth coming from the inside.
She staggers to her feet and heads out to the dollar store. There she picks up a test. The only reason she gets one is that she thought she heard him say something about a dragon or a dragon dick. When she returned home, she went to the bathroom and was floored. The test was positive and she panicked.
Before she can get her jacket on to run to her friend's house, she finds the scale on her dresser and upon seeing it she felt calm. She walks down to her parents and tells them. It went over horribly, but they came around. The preceding nine months where hell. She found herself sick to the bone. She couldn't move without throwing up and her body ached constantly.
However, she could eat anything set in front of her, including wood. The other strange thing is she emitted a supernatural amount of heat. But after those hellish months, she gave birth to a baby boy. She looked into her babies strikingly red eyes and noticed its skin was tanner than hers.
It was no matter because to her he was beautiful. She decides to name him Michael, so he will be strong.
© W