

Amanda Seyfried
Chris living in los angeles california. He says hey pipes squad's all suitcases are in the car already he pushes them literally all made at the airport and makes to the plane. All of lamds into southern florida. Double Tree Beach Resort by hilton hotel Tampa Bay-North Redington Beach, on 17120 gulf Blvd. North Redington Beach. And local hotel people staying in the hotel saying there is a mysterous flesh-eating demon roaming on the beach nobody not allowd walking in the night. But chris's mind is set, he is going on the beach at night. Later Piper said chris please come sit, he sits on the couch and the squad, Jenna replied hey relax please please listen really carefully nobody is not safe when someone is walking on the beach at night beacuse that demon. Now it's time tell them really who i am, Chris says ok he takes out his bussniess card out of his pocket he slide towards them. Chris explain i am a animal hunting unxplained and unnormal animal hunter i hunt unxplined not normal animalistic animals. This is why i need to go down on that beach tonight, chris raises his voice please don't follow me this is really SO DANGEROUS!. 9:00 P.M. chris walks to the door he puts his light grey shoes on his feet. Later jenzten seeing chris going , lev and sawyer stops chris. Chris asks hey sawyer go to bigger my suitcase there press a hidden secert button, swayer pressed the button and pops open. He takes out a small knife he thought and sawyer walks over to chris he gives the knife to chris he press on the side, pops out a large knife. Chris pins lev to the wall, and chris said i seen things give your nightmares just leave me alone and do my job ok? lev wimpered hmm ok, and chris replied good nobody can stop me. Chris exits the room he slams the door hard!. He is almost to the beach all of a sudden the police steped in front chris he said not again he wallops them to the ground. Chris walks down to the beach he sees the creature he yells! hey you motherfucker come here buddy. He pets the monster he tied with stainless steel chian on her penis. And her tied another stainlees steel chian on her back. Amanda has her long hair is down. Chris is on her back, both walking down the beach, further further down the beach. The flesh-eating moster stops, she making animaltic grunts she tries to aggressively kicks the sand in the air. She aggressively trying to bucks,rears, and throws chris off her back. But chris stays on her back like a POSTAGE STAMP.