

Ballads of Nirvana
Chapter 19
Part 3

“Thank you! I love this and I am going to keep it with me in my room no matter where I am.” Indriya said finally, looking into his kind honey eyes that showered affection on her.

“Don't you want to have breakfast? I sure am starving as hell.” Mythri interrupted. “Oh! And this is for you, Princess.” Mythri handed her a neatly wrapped object, Indriya understood what it was the moment she touched it, it was a book!
For years now books have remained her favourite gifts, either to give or to receive, she beamed at Mythri and opened the wrap absolutely very carefully.

It was a book with the name ‘The Decapitator’ a mystery, crime, romance novel so typically Mythri, but unusually even Indriya’s type of book. She opened the book to read the first few pages, but then Chag tapped her shoulder slightly and said “I am starving. I didn't even have coffee, we should go and eat.”

“Wait, where is Agni?” Indriya asked, suddenly gripping his wrist.
“He..is...he went out...he said he has some errands to do so…” Chag replied as he looked at Mythri smiling at her, and then as though realisation had dawned upon her she said “Yes, the Prince said that he was going to look for spies in the town so he is not here.” Mythri said, making up the story in her head.

“You two are very bad at lying, you should learn for the best.” Indriya flipping her hair in a mocking manner.
“No, Indriya we are not bad at lying, you are just too good at finding out. So yes...I guess we should learn from the best.” Chag chuckled. ______________________

Indriya was reading the book Mythri gifted in her balcony when someone knocked on her door. She got up from her seat and walked toward the door. But then she heard a whisper “Shh, she can hear us.” Two familiar female voices. She very well knew who it was but she decided to act normal, by normal she meant to act surprised, flabbergasted even. She was already surprised that the sisters were here but then they were planning to surprise her.

She opened the door and she saw Soma and Yamya standing on the doorstep with a cake and a huge bag beside them.
“Surprise!” Both of them shouted in unison as they walked in and set the cake on the table, alongside them entered Chag and Mythri who already started singing for her.
Indriya put up a good show of being absolutely surprised. She raised her eyebrows, dilated her eyes and clamped her mouth shut in surprise as she heard and saw them sing terribly, save for Chag who had perfect pitch and modulation. She gave a warm hug to each of the sisters and even gave them a birthday cake facial, while she dodged all their attempts to do the same to her.

She laughed the whole time they were in her room and time flew like a kingfisher diving for food.