

A victim of darkness.
"At least leave clearly, don't be so selfish as to leave behind why.."

It's 6:55.

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm.. I turned it off and went to the bathroom to do my daily routine..
I showered and brushed my teeth..I started washing my face. I saw it in the mirror..well my face today looks a little strange..
I don't see anything new, but it's just not normal.
Well not the time to think now, I'm going to be late I have to go to university before I start lecturing that professor..
Uh, I swear I have never seen a person with his wife..He is really a dirty professor and he is also damn nervous..
-"Enough delirium..."
I muttered it to myself while putting on my shoes..I closed my apartment and hurried down to the street..Today it is cloudy and the wind is messing with my face..looks like it's going to rain..I looked at my watch
-"It's 7:40..wow. I only have twenty minutes left to get there..looks like I'm going to be late. Very nice, great day since morning..and"

My speech was interrupted by the sound of whispers and laughter. I turned to see who was laughing and when I felt that I was the reason.. I found two young men looking at me and laughing.. I grinned nervously when they laughed...!
Oh right, of course everyone will laugh, I'm talking to myself and in the middle of the street, my stupidity..
"No, you're late."
I ran to the bus station, but I missed the bus.
-"Oh, it's my bright luck..."
I whispered it to myself as I parked my taxi.
-"please Harry up.."
-"Okay, tea... God damn it..."
The driver whispered it as he looked at me, but his look was terrified..not admiration or something..looked like something bad happened to my face..I took the mirror out of my bag to see what this man meant, but I couldn't find anything in my face. I turned right and left but I didn't I only see the pallor I saw before I left the house..
At that time the man was driving very fast as if he was running away from something chasing him..
"Oh, brother, what's wrong with you.. Calm down. I want to get to Salima.. It's still too early to die."
I yelled my words at him while I was clinging to the car door..but wow he didn't answer me..
Minutes later, I arrived at the university. I got down with my heart beating like drums from the speed of driving.
I almost closed the car door until the car drove off..I screamed and followed him
"Hey, what about your wages..Wait."

But he had gone too far.. I really don't know what is happening to this world..
I turned my head to enter the university..and I felt a body similar to me hitting me..
Then a strong hug tightened on me...
-"Anabella..as usual, you can't come early..but wait, what's wrong with you..?!
Oh well, this is my friend Leah.
Ahem, ahem, I didn't introduce myself yet.. well, .,.
I am Annabella, I am 19 years old.
I live in Russia..and I am now in the first year of university and my field of specialization is human medicine..I live in a dormitory for female students in an apartment for me alone..I came to Russia with a scholarship..Many describe me as an Arab beauty. The thing is, I have long hair and brown eyes.

As for my friend Leah..she is the same age as me, but she is a few weeks older than me and this causes some friendly quarrels to happen between us..she is of Russian nationality and studies with me in the same specialty..her beauty is Russian. I think you know her so there is no need to explain it..

-"Leah, get away, we're late..then what about me!..nothing, I'm fine"
Mentioning the delay, the professor came in a quarter of an hour ago..but...
She cut off her words, hitting my forehead with my hand, out of her stupidity.
Damn, we're a quarter of an hour late, and I'm still standing here.
-"Well.. the hug won't affect the class, we are late in both cases, and you..."
"Just shut up... just shut up."

I grabbed her hand and started running quickly and before I reached the door of the hall my body suddenly stiffened..I could not move..something tied my hand..uh what happened that I suffocated..black mirage surrounding me from all sides..then...
#Wait for part 2..💛