

From Crush To Enemy _Park Sunghoon FF (Enhypen) Episode 2

"Ouh, sorry. By the way my name is Choi Soomin. You can call me Soomin."

"Ouh. Hi Soomin!"

Wow! He's so friendly. What subject after this.? I turned around to Beomgyu and saw him read a text book. I ask him.

"Gyu, what's next?"

"Hm..I think it's math."

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome *girl*.."

I laughed as he said '*girl*'. He always call me that.

_a few moments later_

We were learning about math. But, I actually didn't good a bit of this subject. It's difficult. I facepalm myself as I was searching the answer. Then, someone spoke.

"You want me to teach you?"

I turned on him and it was Sunghoon.

"Yes, please."

He teached me that and this..and finally I got it.

"Ouh..just like that?"

"It's simple.."

Ha gave me a warm smile. So kind he is?

_2 months later_

"Yah! Give me that! Beomgyu!"

Beomgyu teasingly grabbed my chocolate gift and hold it higher with his hand.

"Why are you so tall!?"

I ask him as I try to get my gift back.

"Then why are you so short?"

I look at him and tickle him at the belly.

"Yah! Hahaha!!"

I catch the gift and stop tickle him.

"Take that!"

I laughed evilly to him. I get him up and we both go to our lunch time. Before I take a seat, I run to Sunghoon and give him the chocolate. He take it and leave me.....again. It's okay. He loves the chocolate by the way. I sat back and eat with Beomgyu.

"Are you gonna keep doing this? He didn't even say 'Thank you' or something like that.! He saw being rude out of this 2 month."

"That's right...I'll stop until he said that he love me.."

"Um..I think.."

No, don't think about that!

"Don't you dare!"

I cutted him and he spoke.

"Fine! Just eat, we will have a class later."

He said while chewing his food.

We both walking to our class and I get called by someone.


I turned and saw our teacher for the best class.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Told the class that I'm not teaching for today because I had an emergency. No work and homework for now. Please take care of the class and told them not to loud okay?"

"Okay, ma'am. Get it! Bye!"

"Thank you, Soomin."

"Okay, let's go Beom!"

We run to the class and told them. I get into the teacher's table and knock it loudly to get the intention.

"Guys! Listen up!"

Everybody turn and look at me.

"Miss Hwang didn't teach us today because of an emergency. No homework and work for today. You all free to do anything."

Everyone cheer up but I shush them immediately.

"Shush! Not to loud okay.?"


They said in unison. I nodded and everyone started to do their own business. I look at Beomgyu and seat beside him. We were talked and talked until the whole class were loudly by a girls voice. I turn and saw Sunghoon there.

I started to turn around and try to find Beomgyu's eyes. He's the only one who can read my mind by a gaze of our eyes. He look at me then Sunghoon. He hold my hand and pointed at me to seek him. I sighed and get joyfull back.

I get up and go to him.

"Sunghoon-ah! How was the chocolate? Is it good?"

He look at me and just ignore me. I shocked but didn't care about it. I seat beside him and begin to spoke but he stand up and yelled to me.

"Can you stop bothering me!?"

I heard that everyone was gasped by his act. This is the first time that I get yelled by a people.

"I didn't even eat that chocolate and you know what.!?"

I shocked my head while hold my tears.

"I just throw it to the can. Haha! Nobody can win my heart okay! I don't even had a crush on you. You just feel it by your own. So stop bothering me!"

He left the class and now everybody know that I had a crush on him. I blink a few times and Beomgyu quickly dragged me out. I cry and hug him tightly. He hug me back while patted my back comforting me.

"Shh..it will be okay.."

He said in calm voice.

"Just forget him Soomin, move on. He was a bad guy and you was a good girl. That's not perfect..okay?"

He spoke while look into my eyes. I nodded and hug him back.

_to be continue_