

my friend
I watched her smile at him. She tucked a strand of her inky hair behind her ear, her eyelashes fluttering as she playfully slapped his shoulder. I hated my friend for it. I glanced at him; his dimpled smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming. He was pulled in by her charm. As they all are. I scoffed quietly, rolling my eyes.
"What happened to the coffee shop boy?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion, finger on my lips. Their heads snapped towards me. "What?" My friend's voice had gone up an octave, it's trilling noise filling the room, like silver Christmas bells. Her face was flushed with secret embarrassment. My eyes widened, feigning shock. "Oh! Was that a..." I trailed off to a whisper, "Should I have not said that?" My friend's face reddened, her indignant voice filling the room, floating on the air as she turned towards him again. "The coffee shop boy asked for my number and I felt bad saying no..." she murmured guiltily, batting her eyes, glistening with flirtatious sadness. "I just hate upsetting people!" she exclaimed with urgency. He laughed, a rough, husky laugh, and smiled at her in understanding. "You're too kind." he replies. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, relief masking the vicious gleam in her eyes at the easy deceit. How easily she wrapped them around her...