

my friend
I watched her smile at him. She tucked a strand of her inky hair behind her ear, her eyelashes fluttering as she playfully slapped his shoulder. I hated my friend for it. I glanced at him; his dimpled smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming. He was pulled in by her charm. As they all are. I scoffed quietly, rolling my eyes.
"What happened to the coffee shop boy?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion, finger on my lips. Their heads snapped towards me. "What?" My friend's voice had gone up an octave, it's trilling noise filling the room, like silver Christmas bells. Her face was flushed with secret embarrassment. My eyes widened, feigning shock. "Oh! Was that a..." I trailed off to a whisper, "Should I have not said that?" My friend's face reddened, her indignant voice filling the room, floating on the air as she turned towards him again. "The coffee shop boy asked for my number and I felt bad saying no..." she murmured guiltily, batting her eyes, glistening with flirtatious sadness. "I just hate upsetting people!" she exclaimed with urgency. He laughed, a rough, husky laugh, and smiled at her in understanding. "You're too kind." he replies. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, relief masking the vicious gleam in her eyes at the easy deceit. How easily she wrapped them around her fingers. Understandably so.

"How's work going?" I asked him, turning away from my friend. I would ignore her, I decided. "Oh." His eyes widened a fraction. He forgot I was there. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Was I truly that forgettable? I cast my gaze downwards, fiddling with my thumbs. "It's, um, it's alright." he responded curtly. I felt my friend's gaze scanning me. Her lips opened into an 'O' as she said, "I just realised I was supposed to take a colleague's afternoon shift. I am so, so sorry!" her thrilling voice murmured. Her eyes flickered between us, feline amusement filling her eyes. "I'll catch you two later!" she walked to the door behind him, and as she left, turned and winked at me. "Tell me later." she mouthed, eyes gleaming with joy.

"Um, I might go too." he said, eyes shifting, his restless gaze never settling. I rolled my eyes slightly. He looked me in the eye, shades of guilt haunting the icy blue. "Aw already?" I tilted my head, scrunching my eyebrows. "Well... If you can't help it... there's nothing that can be done, I suppose." I lowered eyelids, staring up at him and biting my lip, pulling a rosier shade of pink into them. His eyes narrowed, a predatory gleam in them. While my friend overshadows me, that does not mean I don't have my own wiles. "Well, I could stay a little longer I suppose." he said, a half grin stretching across his face. He slipped back into his own seat, his meeting my other pair of eyes. "It's cold in here, huh?" his husky tones filled my ears, it's abrasive harshness flowing down through me. I gave him a small smile of uncertainty. "Yes, I guess it is." I paused, tapping my fingers against my thigh. When would it go off? His eyes slid down to my fingers, drawn in by the movement. A cocky smirk was plastered on his face. I squeezed my legs together, my gaze flitting up towards him, biting my lip again. Crossing my arms tightly, I repeated what he said. "It really is cold in here." My forearms were pushing up what he was discreetly staring at. I glanced at him again, building a pink blush in my cheeks. "Clearly. Your cheeks are probably so pink." He said, his voice low with feeling. 'Dirty pig.' I thought, 'Arrogant, lustful bitch.' I frowned at him, adjusting a bra strap asking him, "Probably? What do you mean probably? My face is pink." He smirked, his vicious gaze daeting downwards again. "Oh yes. I meant your cheeks on your face of course."
'Pig. Disgusting, lusting pig.'
I tilted my head slightly in mock confusion. He got up, sliding down into the seat next to me, resting an arrogant hand on my thigh. "You're so cold. I can try to help you warm up?"
I really despised him at that moment. He was so quick to change, only wanting one thing. I knew my friend was deserving better than this scum. My alarm went off and I got my phone out of my bag, showing him the lockscreen of a phonecall and casting him a lusting, apologetic look. "Oh my days! I'm so sorry! I don't think I can stay!" His face twisted in annoyance. I leaned over him as I got up, putting my face close to his and yet, he was looking elsewhere. My low cut shirt had ridden down even lower as I said, "You have my number, we can always continue this another time." I didn't wait for a response as I walked away.

Damn that boy. My friend always has the worst taste and gets heartbroken. She deserves someone who cares, who understands her, who wants to just be with her. Not fuck her. She needs a devoted, loving partner. 'If only I was a guy.'
"Hey!" a familiar, sparkling voice called. I whirled around, joy radiating off of me as I saw her bounding up the street in a blissful state. I greeted her back, slipping my hand into hers, telling her what a crude pig that boy was. 'This is fine. If I can be by her side forever, I can protect her from them. She doesn't have to love me back. This is fine.'

Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.
© stele