

Act 1: (Scene 1)
It was early Sunday morning,
Everyone discovered Emmanuel weeping badly,
They all decided to ask Emmanuel what was going on,and why he was crying,
When they all moved closer they couldn't ask what was wrong,
They all saw it themselves...
His mother was lying dead on the ground,
They all felt bad and greeted Emmanuel,
They said "All form God,And too him we shall return"...
The next sunday morning they all gathered to Emmanuel's house for the burial of his beloved mother...
While on prayed Emmanuel sadly seeked forgiveness for his mother's soul,And prayed she rest in perfect peace...
Days after his mother's burial , Emmanuel was a good and caring rich young boy in the community where he lived,and people prayed for a boy like him...
One great night,emmanuel brought in a lady,we all thought she was maybe his lady or friend,
But we noticed she was a prostitute when she got to light,We were all confused...
The next morning we all asked him,and tried to stop him from getting addicted to this shameful act,
But he replied saying,its my life,no one will teach me how i should live it(The lady came out dressed half naked and was actually ready to go home,he payed her off and kissed her even in our presence)...

Act 1 :(Scene 2)

He was known to be a good and responsible young fellow John said,(He continued) I never knew why he suddenly changed,I am sure without a day sex he'll die(He concluded),
This is very wrong Ella said(John's Twin sister),All girls falls into his tray all because he is rich and handsome,they go into bed with him and he also please them with "Name your price"
(John Burst into laughter's),
Am serious (Ella replied in hanger),The reason why he suddenly changed no one knows,With this Am sure he'll never get married (ella concluded),
Lets go home ella leave him with his life,thats how he has chosen to live it (John said as he moved in the direction their house),
I said it,he has gotten another fish ,ella told john what she as saw,
Hmm Emmanuel,he will never change(He concluded as they both went home)...
(John and Ella are two twins in the community were they live,both are twenty two years old,They are the children of pastor peter john popularly known as pastor P.J)...
Emmanuel one day brought a lady home,he announced her to be his girlfriend,We all knew she was just a prostitute from the other community,
They both tried to convince us like they were actually in a relationship,
But one day the had a fight and Emmanuel said to her ,Lady your work with me has ended today,this is your money get the fuck out of my premises "As he trow the money on her",
To hell with your work "she replied"...
(Now we all noticed they were both liers)

Act 2 :(Scene 1)

John and ella decided to go to the nearest club in the community one night,
Emmanuel went to all clubs but was not satisfied with all night clubs he saw,so he concluded going to the Community center club where ella and john were,
A rich young man came that night saying i have paid the bills for tonight, cause its my birthday...
(Everyone jumped in happiness and began to drink as much as they could)...
John and ella were getting drunk,
Lets go home ella,john said,i still have much drinks to drink,ella replied ,i will come home when am done,you can get going...
(John went home and left her at the club)..
Emmanuel got drunk as he grabbed a lady in the waist,She turrned with her hands ready to slap a young mans face,
But she was shocked to see a handsome looking guy holding her waist,
He kissed her and she couldn't resist him so they got a room,
They were both drunk,
They kissed as they both took off their clothes,He pushed her to the bouncing smooth bed,as he slowly kissed her in the neck,
He removed his dick as they both had sex that lovely night...
The next morning eventually it was Ella on the bed with her enemy Emmanuel,
She accused him of rapping her,and that she will never forgive him,
He tried to explain but she left with a slap in his face...
(Emmanuel has never been treated this way in his entire life)

Act 2 :(Scene 2)

For the first time Emmanuel felt bad and decided to plead to her(But didnt know where and how to find her,he never met her before)...
He searched everywhere in the community but couldn't find her,
He never gave up on finding her,he went back to the club house hoping to find her but he was unfortunate,
His way going in his car thinking about a blessed day he would see and pleade to her,
He noticed everyone were trying to reach him but he didnt knw what was wrong,so he decided to stop the car,
Then he noticed he had just hit a lady,
He took her to the hospital and paid for the treatments,he realized the girl the hit was the lady he had being looking for and decided to stay till she wakes,
After two hours she was woken but Emmanuel had slept off,
She nicodemusly steped out if the hospital and no one noticed...
He woke up after some minutes and discovered she was no where to be found,the doctor went to the camera footage and saw how she had sneak out of the hospital,
He felt his Hope's had just sneaked away from him he felt bad,
Luckily, the doctor was a member of pastor p.j's church academy,so he helped Emmanuel located ella...
Ella was very angry to see him,he pleaded for a chance to speak with her,but he was not given a second,
John helped him plead for ten minutes just to hear him out,
"Ten minutes" ella said ..
Yes just ten minutes,john replied...
She came out to Emmanuel,and he pleaded he was really sorry,He said he was really drunk that night,i am very sorry, Emmanuel said...
Okey i forgive you,ellah said in hanger,I know yoy are still angry Emmanuel said, please i need the forgiveness from your heart,your forgiveness i plead,
When you are done roaring please leave,ella said in angriness (She walked away)...
After months of pleading,she has forgiven him,
But emmanuel's heart was filled with love,and pleaded to stay with her for the rest of his life,(He thinks with her strict behavior she might source of all problems to his heart)....

Act 3 :(Scene 1)

Hell No...!!!
This can never and will never happen,i cant spend the rest of my life with a guy like him,ellah said to john,
I believe there is a better part in him,john replied,he never woo a girl in his entire life (he continued),Lets take a brife look at when he had sex with you,he felt what he did was not right,he searched for you and pleaded,what every girl wants is a guy who can say sorry whenever he is wrong,i will advise you go with a guy whose conscience still works and dont get hooked up by a guy who is ready to dump you when he wants,
If i was actually a girl in yoyr position i would have chosen him...
Now ella was famished and confused,She keeps thinking abkut what her brother had said,
She ended up given him a trial,so she went to his Emmanuel's house,
Getting there she saw him having sex with a girl,She walked out angrily,he quickly stood up and followed her,he pleaded and ella was left with no choice then tk forgive his act cause she knows him too much,
He snt out the prostitute and told led ella inside,
They both had very great time chatting and discussion...
Thier love story went on fulled with love and happiness,ella realized that Emmanuel was totally filled with care and love,she was lucky to own him...
One perfect night they were both in a room at Emmanuel's house after their long discussion,they both feel the love the have for each other,as ella felt thia was the right time to ask why he loved to have sex with every woman...
I was six when my father died,when i was ten my mother used me to be her sex patner,she made me believe it was the right way,and that other childrens are sinner's because they left their mother lonely,i didnt want to be a sinner whenever she asked me for sex,
When i discovered my mother had always lied to me,it was too late,she already died and i was now left alone,
After days we buried her i realize i was addicted to sex,and couldn't control my self at night,so i decided to save my self by bringing girls for sex and get them paid,
Now that u came into my life i suddenly left different,i think about you all day and night,i never see girls out there any more,only you now i see...
(She said tol him "all is well",as they had a romantic night)...
The next morning ellah took him to her father pastor p.j and pleaded to get him delivered and help him seek forgiveness from God Almighty...
Emmanuel was delivered and married ella as his beloved wife(That night before their honeymoon ella walked up to john and thank him for all his advise,it was really helpful,and for also making her realize the power of love)...
Ellah and Emmanuel lived happily married and was blessed with a baby Three months after their honeymoon and was named "LOVE"...
The End...
"Sometimes life goes unfair,But with love all things are set back to positive"