

my first love is a serial killer part 14
"I'm here." Someone tried to yell. I ran to the voice and I found the father. He was barely inconscience. "Hey your going to be ok just hang in there." I yelled at the little girls father. I took him out of the house and left him on the ground. Beofre I left the father of the little girl said "My wife is in the laundry room please save her." I nooded my head and ran back into the burning house. I found the wife but she wasn't breathing. I took her out the house and waited for the ambulance. "How is my wife?" The little girls father asked. I didn't answer him. "Oh she's not alive anymore is she?" The girls father said looking down. "If I die or disappear somehow please take care of my daughter! I beg of you boy! She is the only reason I live!" The girls father said starting to cry. "I promise you I will take care of her if anything happens to you. Just worry about getting better." I said looking him in the eyes. The little girls father looked at me and smiled then he passed out on the floor. The ambulance finally got her and took the father and the mother of the girl to the hospital, the firemen took care of the fire in the house, and the police took the little girl. Matt and I went with the girl to the police station. The little girls father wrote a letter saying that if anything happens to him all custody of the girl goes to me. The police even saw him write it so they new it was real. After a few days the father died from a disease. Before the girl moved with us they needed to check on her mental health. While they were doing that Matt and I prepared a room for her to stay in. I was going to keep the promise I made to the father of that girl no matter what. Matt didn't mind her staying with us. After a month the people who had her thought she was mentally stable and said she could live with us. When she started to live with us she never left her room unless it was to shower or eat. We tried everything we could for her but nothing worked. After 3 weeks living with us she finally left her room and said "I want to see my parents."

© the unknown